  • 期刊


The Impact of "Xie Sheng Pu" 'Wire Rope Contact' For Chen Li's "Shuo Wen" Ancient Rhyme Study




”Shuo Wen” phonetic system of research flourished in the Qing Dynasty. Jia Qing, Dao Guang period. There are two research purposes, one is ancient rhyme study, the other is etymology study. Before Chen Li, Yao Wen Tian, Zhang Hui Yan, Zhang Cheng Sun etc. had related research. Look at Chen Li's ”Shuo Wen Sheng Biao”, we can find many of Yao Wen Tian's”Shuo Wen Sheng Xi” achievements, but less of Zhang Hui Yan, Zhang Cheng Sun's ”Xie Sheng Pu”content. But Chen Li wrote to Xu Zi Yuan, he said that Ji Men's hand note ”Shuo Wen Sheng Biao”, Li use Zhang Gao Wen father and son's 'Wire Rope Contact' to teach. This article thinks that Chen Li transform rhyme invention 'Wire Rope Contact' into ”Shuo Wen Sheng Biao” 'Meaning link' etymology study system. By the annotation shows, 'Wire Rope Contact' conversion thinks that there are still deficiencies in the Chen Li's etymology, but”Shuo Wen”'ancient rhyme study' progress to”Shuo Wen” process, Chen Li had contribution for the later etymological science.
