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Notes on the bamboo texts found in slip No. 4 of Wu-Ming from the seventh volume of The Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in the Shanghai Museum




上博楚竹書 〈吳命〉 通假 禮制


Much has been written to examine the meaning of texts found in slip no. 4 of Wu-ming from the seventh volume of the The Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in the Shanghai Museum 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書, but the existing research has its limitations. The present article attempts to restore the intent of Chu bamboo texts found in the slip. After giving a thorough investigation on character's structure, pronunciation as well as grammar of the texts, the writer concluded that the term "孤" appeared in the slip refers to the king of the State of Wu, while "勞" should be defined as "勞", and be read as "郊勞". The nature of "郊勞" is similar to that of the term "請行" found in the same slip, which is a rite of welcome held in the frontier of a feudal state in ancient China.


Chu bamboo slips Wu-Ming Rite Phonetic loan
