  • 期刊


Effects of Cultivation Density on Growth Behavior and Grain Yield of Field-gown Rice


本項研究以稉稻臺農67號為試驗材料,分別於2006-2007年兩期稻作栽培期間進行田間試驗,以探討不同栽植密度(由0.28×10^5 hill ha^(-1)至2.78×10^5 hill ha^(-1),計8種密度)對水稻生長行為與穀粒產量之影響。綜合兩年四期稻作試驗資料,顯示稻株生長性狀在生育期間呈現二次曲線變化,大致隨著單位面積栽植密度的升高各性狀測值均有增加的趨勢,無論株高(PH)、葉片數(LN)、葉面積(LA)與葉面積指數(LAI)皆然,且一般以一期作較高於二期作。進一步由50%抽穗時期所量測之生長性狀間比較,除了PH似不受栽植密度高低影響之外,LN、LA及LAI等三性狀測值亦隨著栽植密度升高而增加,約在密度1.8~2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1)範圍達到高原,而一期稻作測值多大於二期稻作。稻株之PH伸長至成熟期才達到高峰,LN、LA及LAI等三性狀在生育期間之最大生長量則約出現於抽穗前後,惟各栽植密度之性狀最大值並不相同。除了PH之外,此三生長性狀最大值亦大致隨著栽植密度升高而增加,多在1.8~2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1)栽植密度範圍達到高原期,然而同一性狀最大值在年份及期作之間存在差異。各栽植密度之生長性狀最大值出現的時間並不相同,除了PH之外,LN、LA及LAI等三性狀低栽植密度之最大值出現所需天數大多長於高栽植密度者,尤以一期稻作最為明顯,且約在密度1.8~2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1)範圍趨近固定。又在相同栽植密度下,此三生長性狀在二期稻作達到最大值所需天數通常短於一期稻作者。試驗又顯示,水稻葉面積持續期間(LAD)隨著栽植密度的升高而增加,直至密度1.8~2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1)時漸趨和緩。分析穀粒產量與LAD之關係,發現穀粒產量隨著葉面積持續期的延長而增加,兩期稻作表現雷同。


Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of cultivation density, from 0.28 to 2.78 × 105 hill ha^(-1), with eight planting densities, on growth behavior and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. TNG 67) grown in both cropping seasons of 2006 and 2007. Results showed that changes of plant height (PH), leaf number (LN), leaf area (LA) and leaf area index (LAI) were in a nonlinear trend during the growing periods of rice plants. Generally values of growth traits increased with the increasing cultivation densities, and a higher level of growth curves was observed in first crops than in second crops. Based on the data collected from the 50% heading, PH was not affected by variation of cultivation density while a curvilinear pattern was shown in the relations of values of LN, LA and LAI with cultivation densities. The values of these growth traits (GTs) reached the plateau in range of 1.8-2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1), and plants grown in first crops had a higher value than those plants grown in second crops under the same cultivation density. Plant height continued to grow until grain maturing period, while the maximum values of LN, LA and LAI appeared near heading. The peak values of the measured GTs were affected by cultivation density; first increased with the increase of density, reached the plateau near 1.8-2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1), and then decreased with the further increase of density. Cultivation density also affected the time period required to reach the peak values of these GTs. Except PH, LN, LA and LAI of lower cultivation densities required a longer time period to obtain their maximum values until the density closed to 1.8-2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1) range, especially for plants grown in the first cropping seasons. Under the same cultivation density, plants of second crops required less days to reach their maximum values than those plants grown in first crops. The leaf area duration (LAD) increased curvilinearlly with cultivation density and climbed to the peak until in the range 1.8-2.2×10^5 hill ha^(-1). The relationship between grain yield and LAD was not linear, grain yield improved with increasing LAD curvilinearlly in both crops.


