  • 期刊


A Corpus-based Study of Development of the Digital Platform of Chinese Grammar Bank and its Assistant in CSL


語言教學現場常出現基礎理論與實際應用的落差現象。傳統理論語法與實務教學語法間,也存在著鴻溝。然而,二語學習者學習目的語的語法是為了發展以目的語溝通技能並能夠準確流利使用語言達到溝通目標(Nassaji and Fotos 2011),因此,教學語法(pedagogical grammar)的內涵與實踐備受重視。相對於理論語法的研究著重於語言本體的探討,教學語法在華語教學領域中,則認為教學語法是針對學習者語言習得規律提供一套學習規則系統(劉珣2000),是將學習者與教學層面納入考量,為教師提供具理論依據但又符合教學的參考。以自然語言發展與學習者導向出發,透過語料庫語言學的研究方法以母語語料、學習者偏誤、教材等三面向分析,發展出「中文階層式語法庫」,結合數位科技,建置「中文語法數位平台」,並考量教學應用的需求不同,以符合使用者特性之呈現方式,提供階層式語法點的相關訊息、各語法點的母語例句及二語偏誤的例句,以期增加教師課程素材的系統性與多元性,及提供學習者學習語法更多樣且完整的內容。


There are often gaps between basic theories and practical applications in language teaching. For instance, gaps exist between traditional theoretical grammar and practical teaching grammar. L2 learners learn the grammar of the target language in order to develop communication skills of the target language and to communicate accurately and fluently (Nassaji and Fotos 2011). Therefore, the connotation and practice of pedagogical grammar have been discussed and emphasized. Compared to the study of theoretical grammar focused on the exploration of language ontology, pedagogical grammar based on learner's language acquisition is considered to provide systematical learning rules (Liu 2000) for Chinese teachers and learners. Based on natural language development and learner orientation, developed the "Chinese hierarchical grammar bank" and built the "Digital Platform of Chinese Grammar Bank" combining digital technology with the research methods of corpus linguistics to make analysis from three dimensions-native data, the bias of Chinese learners, and textbooks. By considering the different needs of teaching applications, this platform is including the hierarchical grammar bank and the example sentences of native speakers and Chinese language learners. This study would make teaching materials more systematic and diverse, as well as provide learners with multiple and complete contents to learn Chinese grammar.


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