  • 期刊

專利技術授權策略研究TFT LCD光學膜授權個案比較

A Study of Patent Technology's Licensing Strategy: Licensing Case on TFT LCD Optical Films


專利技術之授權策略在知識經濟時代裡扮演著重要的角色,特別是在兩兆雙星等高科技產業。在技術授權交易之執行上,由於交易資產之無形性,因而存有許多困難,為此已有相當多的資料文獻探討之,然而,專利技術授權談判之前置作業和準備工作,其實更攸關整個交易之成敗,此部分在產業界上雖有豐富之實證經驗,卻少有將該等寶貴之經驗以文獻記載供後進參考。有鑑於此,本文試以背光模組廠C公司將其光學膜核心技術專利授權出去並開始量產之經驗,以及授權過程所面臨的問題和思考的邏輯,做深入淺出之剖析;並就TFT LCD產業之產業結構、成本結構,背光模組的產業鏈、價值鏈及其市場價格、規模作分析,以說明光學膜在TFT LCD產業所佔比重,藉此專業領域的介紹與了解,加強在專利技術授權談判的身價,以取得較佳的談判籌碼。本文最後,亦嘗試就技術授權結果進行歸納與建議,期能因此提醒企業經營決策者必須將專利技術之經營納入企業經營決策,不僅為企業創造專利技術價值,進一步避開他人專利,也避免陷入專利戰,以利企業永續經營。


Licensing strategy for patent technology plays an important role in the age of Knowledge Economics, especially for high-tech industries such as semi-conductor, display, digital contents, and Biotechnology. Owing to the intangibility of the target assets in technology licensing, the execution is therefore difficult. Regarding the issue referred, there are many papers already. However, the actual key success factors to a deal lies in the pre-processing and preparation works prior to negotiations. Taiwan Industry has plenty of field experiences with this aspect, But very few had record that with documentation. Therefore, through the major issues encountered and considered in example of a backlight module company, this article attempts to record and analyze the licensing experience of the company's core technology optical film patents. With introducing TFT LCD's technology, industry structure, cost structure, backlight module's supply chain, value chain, market price and scale, one could understand the importance and the role played by backlight module in TFT LCD industry; therefore be able to raise bargaining power while negotiating licensing terms. Finally, this article summarizes the outcome of the deal and also attempts to give suggestions of it. Look forward to reminding mangers and business owners to consider patent technology into a company's decision-making factors. If so, a company would last by adding value to its patents, and avoiding infringement or patent wars.


