  • 期刊


An Analysis on the Influential Criteria of Technology Transfer from Universities and Research Institutes


前人研究指出,產業可透過移轉的方式獲得外部研究機構的智財與技術以利於產業創新,而成功的移轉常需要透過技轉機構的輔助。影響技轉的因素相當多,如:政策、政府資助、技術特性、地理位置等,本研究由過去文獻整理影響技轉成效的14項評估準則及5大構面,包括政策制度、技術、技轉機構社會網絡、技轉機構的性質、技轉機構的服務與營運方式。為瞭解這些因素之間的交互關係,本研究應用決策實驗室分析法(Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL),以親訪取得任職研究型大學及研究機構技轉單位之16位技轉人員對於構面及準則的評估問卷,利用DEMATEL考量準則間複雜交互作用,繪製影響網絡關係圖,並透過相關領域3位專家之質化訪談資料,與量化分析資料交互參照。DEMATEL分析與訪談結果顯示政府政策對技轉有最高的影響力,透過改變政策與法規改善技轉環境是較有效的作法。技轉機構的內、外部資源與營運政策也會影響其社會網絡建立。對技轉工作的獎勵及經費補助則有助於技轉人員發揮專業,進而提高技轉機構的信譽、建立技轉中心與產業界的良好關係。本研究綜合質化與量化分析方法並基於實證研究結果,提出改善技轉績效之實質建議。


Technology transfer is an important process for technology diffusion. Intellectual property of universities and research institutes can be transferred by the assistance of technology transfer offices (TTOs). However, many determinants influence technology transfer and intellectual property management. These interdependent factors also mutually influence each other. To understand the relationship among the influential determinants, this study applied DEMATEL for solving complex interdependent structures of 14 criteria and 5 dimensions summarized from literature, and to generate the influential network relation map. The five dimensions include Policies, Technology, Social Network, Characteristic, and the management strategy of TTOs. The result shows that government policies and regulations are the most influential factors comparing with other dimensions and factors related to technology transfer. Thus, to improve technology transfer effectiveness through appropriate modification of policy and legal framework is more effective and beneficial. The resources and the business policies of TTOs also influence their social network building process. Moreover, rewarding systems and financial support for TTO officers would enhance the professional performance of TTO officers and efficiency of technology transfer process. Improving the track records of the TTOs can also be helpful for bridging the collaborations between academia and industry. Based on the DEMATEL and qualitative analysis on the empirical data, this study offered policy suggestions to enhance technology transfer..
