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Betel-Chewing: An Examination of the Cultural Factors that Affect Food Safety




食品安全 致癌物 檳榔 藥物 禮物


Scholars usually impute problems with food safety to the toxicity of food itself rather than to the eater's preparation of food or dietary habits. A discussion of the use of areca or betel nut is instructive. The Taiwanese government frequently states that areca/betel nut is carcinogenic, and attempts to dissuade people from chewing it through scientific discourse. The official propaganda against betel-chewing, however, seems to be ineffective. The general public's understanding and experience of and attitude toward betel-chewing seems to be very different from that of officials and scientists. In fact, the custom of betel-chewing is several thousand years old and has survived from ancient times to the present in Taiwan and South China. People there prepared and chewed ”Betel quid” in much the same way as did people in South and Southeast Asia. Areca/betel nuts, Piper betel, and slaked Lime are the three essential ingredients of betel quid in these areas. Areca/betel nut had been widely used as a medicinal drug to treat diseases or ward off pestilence in traditional Chinese and Taiwanese society. It was also used as a gift for symbolic purposes on some social occasions, and for religious sacrifice or as a magical object in some ritual ceremonies. Betel-chewing played a role fostering and consolidating ethnic and cultural identity. In other words, the dietary habit of betel-chewing is a social custom and closely related to cultural edification. Therefore, it is difficult for health discourse alone to sever the cultural ties between betel-chewers. In order to change the habit, we must provide a substitute for betel quid with similar functions.


food safety carcinogen areca/betel nut drug gift


南朝梁.僧伽婆羅譯,《文殊師利問經》[收入高楠順次郎、渡邊海旭編,《大正新修大藏經》,T14, no. 468],東京:大正一切經刊行會,1924-1934。
唐.菩提流志譯,《五佛頂三昧陀羅尼經》[收入高楠順次郎、渡邊海旭編,《大正新修大藏經》,T19,no. 952],東京:大正一切經刊行會,1924-1934


馬維芬、李佳霙、Ellen R. Gritz、Irene Tamí-Maury、Cho Lam、林正介(2017)。連接自我與家鄉的信物-檳榔在台灣原住民族文化中的角色護理雜誌64(3),65-73。https://doi.org/10.6224/JN.000041
