  • 期刊


Identification of the B&B Regulations between Operators and Tourists


本研究透過遊客與業者對於民宿法規認同的差異,提出雙方都能認同建議,以供相關單位之參考。本研究共訪問民宿遊客146份,民宿業者108份。並以獨立樣本t檢定及One-way ANOVA分析資料。研究結果如下:一、民宿定義:1.隨著生活條件提昇和旅遊經驗的累積,旅遊形式已從過去「觀光時代」進步到「定點式」渡假。而住宿方式也從大飯店走向人情味十足的「民宿」風。2.重視保護台灣生態資源,避免民宿發展造成環境衝擊,提昇國人對本土資源、人文、社會之認知與認同。二、民宿經營:1.合法民宿代表通過當地政府建築、消防、衛生安全審查,而且投保公共意外責任險,不僅可避免被騙,安全也比較有保障。2.民宿絕對不只僅是住宿提供,重點在於是否可以創造出滿足不同的旅遊體驗和呈現不一樣的魅力風格,開發出不同的民宿旅遊消費者。3.民宿管理問題所造成潛在的違建、收費不透明等問題,政府應可調整民宿法規,使業者經營具體且合法化,以利當地發展。三、民宿設立:1.民宿業者抱怨法令規定太過嚴苛,對於偏遠地區的認定標準,應自訂一套偏遠地區認定標準,從發展民宿、觀光等觀點,與地方政府討論後擬定。2.發展觀光產業也要重視當地生活與自然景觀的平衡,實施總量管制並非全面禁限建,以個案受理、專案報核方式,期能改善浮濫發照現象。3.對於民宿的發展而言,絕非外資進入的土地買賣,經營規模應以兼顧永續發展的社區營造為主。


The objective of this research is to identify the difference of opinion on B&B regulation between tourists and operators. Hopefully the result of this research will be able to propose a alternative perspectives. This research surveyed 148 tourists and 108 operators. The result of T test and One-way ANOVA shows that: (1). B&B definition: 1. Due to improvement of living quality and travel experiences, traveling style has transformed from touring to fix location, 2. Try to avoid possible impact that B&B has on ecosystem and preservation of cultural resources. (2). R&R management: 1. Legal B&B means pass local government's inspection on B&B's construction, safety and hygiene. Also B&B has to have insurance on public safety, 2. B&B must create other experiences to differentiate themselves from accommodation providers, 3. B&B's has a lot of illegal problems, which requires government to establish a clear regulation. (3). B&B establishment: 1. B&B operators often feel that the regulations are too strict for outback places, 2. Local living quality and natural scenery are equally important to development of tourism. Government can monitor total number of B&B and review each case carefully to ensure the qualities of B&B, 3. B&B's management must consider both long-term management and society improvement.


