  • 期刊


The Cognitive, Participant Behavior and Implement Performance Research of ISO-9000 in Technological College



ISO-9000品質管理系統於1987年公布,而國內最早導入該系統之教育單位為1998年國立高雄科學技術學院(高雄應用科技大學之前身)。有鑑於各行各業推動ISO-9000之成效卓著,教育部於1999年底,發文鼓勵技專校院辦理ISO-9000品質管理系統認證,於是2000年全國有數十所科技大學、技術學院與專科學校開始推動ISO-9000之認證,大部份學校也於該年底順利通過認證。由於教育事業不似一般具有明確產品或服務定義之營利事業,單就其顧客而言,就有相當多元化的看法。從認知上的差異,導致想法分歧,這往往構成推動過程中大小不同的阻力;而學校內各級成員參與行為程度之不同,亦造成對ISO-9000預期成效之差異。本文以中部地區通過ISO-9000認證之某技專校院為例,探討教職員工對ISO-9000之認知、參與行為與實施效果之問的關係,並以性別、年齡、年資、職位別及任職單位作為控制變數,試圖找出相關變數之因果關係。本文的結論是:對於ISO-9000實施之實質效果與期望效果,以參與行為所佔的影響性較大;而參與行為的差異性,顯著的反應在受訪者屬性上,特別是職位別。因此,未來持續進行ISO-9000之落實改善方案時,應設法縮小不同職位別之成員在參與行為上的差異,亦即符合ISO-9000: 2000所言之「全員參與」,才能達到事半功倍的效果。




In 1987, ISO-9000 was announced by International Standard Organization (ISO), and National Kaohsiung Institute of Science and Technology (the former of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences) was the first college to obtain the certificate of ISO-9000 in Taiwan. Due to the success in ISO-9000 promotion model for a variety of industries, the MOE (the Ministry of Education) started to promote development of certification for all technological college in 1999. Till the end of 2000, tens of institutes have begun to put the administrative work on the track of ISO-9000, and most of them were certificated. This paper discussed the relationship of cognitive, participant behavior, and implement performance for difference staff of college when promoting ISO-9000 and we used the control variables like gender, age, seniority, position and unit to distinguish the difference. The conclusion is that the participant behavior affected mostly both substantial and expected results in ISO-9000 promotion. The attribute obviously differed the participant behavior, the position as well. While ISO-9000 promotion continuing to improve, this research has minimized the difference among the participant behaviors and met the principle of ”Involvement of people”.
