  • 期刊


Inspiration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Treatments in Natural Healing


在美國根據統計,前10位最常使用之另類療法包括禱告,自然藥物,深層呼吸,群體禱告,冥想,整脊,瑜珈,按摩,膳食等等。而NCCAM 2005年於將另類醫學分為五大類:包括替代系統療法、阿育吠陀印度療法、生物基礎療法、徒手與機體性療法、能量療法等療法等等。 芳香性中药辛香走竄具有透邪解表、化濕辟穢、理氣開竅、活血止痛等功效;精油因為分子小滲透力高,能有效地進出身體,正符合傳統中醫理論認為芳香類藥物辛香走竄之特性。


According to the statistics in US, the 10 most commonly used Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies were use of prayer specifically for one's own health, prayer by others for one's own health, natural products, deep breathing exercises, participation in prayer group for one's own health, meditation, chiropractic care, yoga, massage, and diet-based therapies. In 2005, NCCAM divided CAM therapies into five parts including alternative medical Systems, mind-body interventions, biologically based therapies, manipulative and body-based therapy, and energy therapies. Aromatic Chinese medicine herb had the effects of outthrust evils from the exterior, transforming dampness, repelling foulness, rectifying qi, opening the orifices, circulation and pain-relieving. The volatile oil can go through effectively the organism with the character of small molecular and high penetrability. It fitted in Chinese aromatic herb with the characteristic of pungent in taste and outlet.


Williams T.(2006).Evaluating effects of aromatherapy massage on sleep in children with autism: a pilot study.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.3(3),373-377.
Robinson L,Hutchings D,Corner L,Beyer F,Dickinson H,Vanoli A,Finch T,Hughes J,Ballard C,May C,Bond J(2006).A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia and evaluation of the ethical implications and acceptability of their use.Health Technol Assess.10(26),9-108.
Crawford NW,Cincotta DR,Lim A,Powell CV(2006).A cross-sectional survey of complementary and alternative medicine use by children and adolescents attending the University Hospital of Wales.BMC Complement Altern Med.2(6),16.
Motomura N,Sakurai A,Yotsuya Y(2001).Reduction of mental stress with lavender odorant.Percept Mot Skills.93,713-718.
Edge J(2003).A pilot study addressing the effect of aromatherapy massage on mood, anxiety and relaxation in adult mental health.Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery.9,90-97.


