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Space and the others: the Taiwanese folk religion field from the pandemic to the post-pandemic




In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world. Also caught up in its sway, Taiwan adopted pandemic prevention strategies. Although there had been zero new domestic cases since April 14, 2020, corresponding prevention measures and response strategies remained strict. To prevent the spread of the epidemic, temples of Taiwanese folk religions and related activities are being watched closely by society as a whole. The author presents in the present study the social observations carried out during the initial stage of the pandemic in early 2020 till the massive surging of domestic cases in May 2021, and tries to understand, from the depth of the Taiwanese temple culture, how Taiwanese folk religion temples maintain the belief structure and its social position under the "once-in-a-lifetime pandemic" In traditional societies, folk religions only had to deal with the interactions within the circle of worshippers or the faithful, and the temple operators were usually the concrete manifestations of local social classes. In a globalized world, however, the temple field and its cultural developments have become more complicated, and the running of temples has shown diverse characteristics. Temples/public temples that are developed faster can reflect aspects of the societies, belief communities, and people structure across Taiwan that the circle of worshippers or the faithful of old could not touch on. Under the circumstances of the pandemic brought about by globalization, the prevention measures at first were led by the government, utilizing the administrative network of religion governance to direct the temples' pandemic prevention measures. After that, phenomenon of temples started looking for response measures by themselves, and positively heading towards a globalized network that was seen, including the acceleration of the digitization of operating models, enhancement of social network relationship interactions, self-discretion of the lifting of lockdowns for religious establishments, and requesting the authorities for the permission to practice mass redemption for the ghosts. All these show the subject awakening of temples heading towards organization and management socialization under globalization.


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