  • 期刊


Examining the Effect of Switching Costs to Customer Loyalty and Switching Intention-with Smart Phone Operating Systems as an Example


目前智慧型手機發展趨勢為兩大主流:一是封閉式架構,即手機與作業系統相依,即Apple的iPhone所採用的iOS作業系統;二如Android作業系統的開放式架構,手機與作業系統獨立,hTC、SAMSUNG、LG等所製造的手機便是採用Android。兩大作業系統都有不同的特色,當使用者轉換至其它作業系統時,會產生轉換成本,這會影響使用者是否要轉換至其它作業系統,進一步推論轉換成本與使用者對作業系統忠誠度之間的因果關係。因此本研究探討轉換成本對顧客忠誠度以及轉換意圖間的影響。本研究採用Burnham、Frels and Mahajan所提出的轉換成本類型與轉換意圖為主要架構,並且探討轉換意圖在轉換成本及顧客忠誠度間是否具有中介效果。本研究採用偏最小平方法驗證轉換成本、轉換意圖與顧客忠誠度之因果關係,並且檢驗轉換意圖之中介效果。最後,根據本研究分析結果,提供智慧型手機相關服務提供者與相關領域設計者,建構智慧型手機之使用者介面之建議與未來研究方向。


There are two major trends of smart phones. The first is close architecture, i.e., the handset and the operating system are dependent, for example, iOS is only for iPhone. The second is open architecture, i.e., the handset and the operating system are independent, like Android can for handsets of many manufacturers. This study adopted the switching costs proposed by Burnham, Frels, and Mahajan and integrated them with the switching intention as the research model. We mainly explored mediation effects between the switching costs and customer loyalty via switching intention. The first research result is the relationship between the switching costs negatively to the conversion intention. Second, we assessed the influence of switching intention on customer loyalty. According to the research finding of this study, we proposed the deign recommendations for the smart phone solution providers with the relevant operators in the field. Finally, the management implication and future direction of this research is proposed.


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