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Fitness and Gender Difference on EEG Coherence in Preschoolers


本研究旨在探討不同性別、體適能水準與兒童腦波相干性的關係。參與者為48位男童及38位女童,年齡介於60至66個月之間。以棒上單足立、立定跳遠、10公尺來回曲折跑、坐姿體前彎、屈膝仰臥起坐、和20公尺跑等6個項目來測試每位兒童體適能;所得成績經z分數轉換,依總分將體適能分為高、中、低3組。腦波以閉眼休息狀態收集F3,Fz,F4,C3,Cz,C4,P3,Pz,P4,O1,Oz,O2等12個電極位置,每位參與者記錄4次,每次45秒。資料收集後,計算F3-Fz,F4-Fz,C3-Cz,C4-Cz,P3-Pz,P4-Pz, O1-Oz,O2-Oz等八區在delta, theta, alpha, alpha-l, alpha-2, beta-l, beta-2等七個頻率面(1-3 Hz、4-7 Hz、8-13 Hz、8-10 Hz、11-13 Hz、14-20 Hz、21-30 Hz) 的相干值。以二因子多變量變異數分析處理體適能、性別在腦波八個區域中七個頻率面的相干值差異。結果顯示在左側枕葉區的beta-l頻率,發現性別與體適能存在顯著的交互作用(Δ =.690, p=.028)。男童體適能高組與中組之腦波相干值大於體適能低組(p=.002,η2=.48; p=.038, η2=1.23) ;在體適能高組和中組的左側枕葉區相干值,男童是高於女童( p=.004,η2=0.84; p=.003, η2=0.54)。此外,在左半球的頂葉與枕葉區的alpha-l頻率發現性別差異存在,男童之相干值均大於女童(p=. 042, η2= .65; p= .009, η2=.53)。本研究結論為5-6歲學前兒童在體適能表現與腦波相干性的關係,在beta-l頻率於負責視覺判斷的枕葉區,體適能較佳的男童在相干性上是高於體適能較差的男童,代表著體適能較優者在皮質問訊息的溝通較為活化,與視覺協調性應該有所關聯;而女童則無此型態。在性別差異上,男童相干性比女童高,特別是alpha-l頻率在左半球的頂葉與枕葉區,顯示在此年齡層男童的大腦發展較女童成熟。


前額葉 活化 協調 大腦發展


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between physical fitness and gender difference on electroencephalograph (EEG) coherence in healthy children. Forty-eight boys and thirty-eight girls between 60 and 66 months old participated in this study. Each child's physical fitness status was tested using the Children's Physical Fitness Tests, including the elementary one-foot balance, the standing jump, the 10-meter shuttle run, the sit-and-reach, the sit-up and the 20-meter dash. In accordance with the scores of their physical fitness tests, a11 participants were classified into three fitness groups (higher, intermediate, and lower levels). EEG was recorded for three minutes in four trials from 12 sites during an eyes-closed resting condition (i.e., F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, P4, O1, Oz, O2). Coherence was calculated for eight electrode pairs (i.e., F3-Fz, F4-Fz, C3-Cz, C4-Cz, P3-Pz, P4-Pz, O1-Oz, O2-Oz) within each of the delta, theta, alpha-l , alpha-2, alpha, beta-l , and beta-2 bands. Two-way multivariate tests (physical fitness x gender) were used to examine the effects of fitness performance and gender on EEG coherence for eight electrode pairs in seven bands. The results showed that there was an interaction found between physical fitness and gender on beta-1 coherence in the left occipital area (A=.690, p=.028). Furthermore, boys with higher or intermediate physical fitness showed higher beta-1 coherence in the left occipital area than boys with lower physical fitness (p= .002, η2=.48; p=.038, η2= 1.23). Within both higher and intermediate fitness groups, beta-l coherence of the boys was higher than that of the girls in the left occipital area (p = .004, η2= 0.84 ; p=.003, η2=0.54). In addition, boys showed higher alpha-l coherences in both left parietal and left occipital areas than girls (p= .042, η2=0.65; p=.009, η2=0.53). In conclusion, this study indicates that boys who have better physical fitness reveal higher beta-1 coherence in the occipital area due to more active cortico-cortical communication that relates to better visual coordination. As for gender difference, higher alpha-l coherences in both left parietal and left occipital areas signify that left hemispheric development in boys is more mature than that in girls during the preschool age.
