  • 期刊


Narratology and Group Mentality Shown in the Family Drama in Beiguan Theatre: A Discussion of Four Plays-Story of Poisoned Tea, Picture of Two Noble People, Joining Silver Medals, and Story of Iron Plates




敘事 群體心態 北管戲 劇本


Besides plays of the immortals and short plays, historical drama and family drama are the two main categories in the"classic repertory" (正本戲 tsiànn-pún-hi) of the Beiguan theatre. The family dramas, Story of Poisoned Tea (Yiaochaji), Picture of Two Noble People (Shuankuetu), and Joining Silver Medals (Heyinpai) in the Fulu system and the Story of Iron Plates (Tieibanji) in Xipi system of Beiguan theatre all depict how, when the head of family (either married to two wives or to a second wife after the first one dies) leaves home, one of the women attempts to victimize the other. This paper first presents the methodology and the current research results on the dramatic texts of the Beiguan theatre and discusses the categorization of the repertory. Following that, by analyzing the sources, stories, roles and contents of the scenes in the four plays, it summarizes their basic narrative structure and its variations, their use of space in the scenes, and elaborates on the group mentality revealed which does not quite resonate with Taiwan's current generation. From the study, the theme of "head of family leaving home" is found to be related to the social context where numerous male Chinese left for Taiwan in the Qing dynasty. The dramas reflect these men's mentality-they believed in the behavior norms based on the "good" and worried about possible disasters caused by family discord. Although the dramatic texts reflect the group mentality of Qing dynasty, the diction and the tempo of the performance have been updated to attract more modern spectators. To strengthen the influence of traditional culture on the young generation is the best policy for the safeguarding of the Beiguan theatre.


