  • 期刊


The Awareness and Value of the Liberal Arts Education through Dance Education-a Perspective of Aesthetics, Leisure and Creativity


本研究目的在於探索以美學、休閒與創造力之觀點,將舞蹈教育導入大學通識藝術教育的認知與價值,學生除了學習舞蹈理論的課程外,還能結合部份舞蹈實作課程,以實務和學術之間的互動交流為教學。讓學生透過感官的經驗與豐富的肢體來表達個人內在的情感與思考的重要性,導入實作課程不是在培訓學生成為出色的舞者,而是藉由動作的探索,開啟新的肢體體驗與心靈成長的途徑,引導學生感受舞蹈之美與動人之處,學習到視覺欣賞、心靈沉澱、想像力、觀察力、鑑賞力、思考力和創造力。透過文獻分析,發現學生的學習需要多元化課程的引導與刺激,所以導入舞蹈藝術課程,主要在於啟發學生從不同角度欣賞並了解舞蹈藝術與生活的相關性,改變學生們對於舞蹈的認知及價值。舞蹈是一門表演的藝術,雖然藝術它是一個具多樣化內涵的名詞,但都兼具象徵意涵與審美價值的活動。本研究結果認為,在課程中加入“動覺”的機會,讓學生能夠親自學跳舞,擁有體驗美的感受與創造美的能力,從身體的好奇、行動、探索、想像力與自我表達的能力。在這過程中也許可發掘舞蹈的潛能,也可發揮潛在式教學的功能,特別是在「動覺智能」上(body-kinesthetic intelligence)。


This study uses the perspective of aesthetics, leisure and creativity to import the awareness and value of the Liberal Arts Education. Students can make the interactions between the academic teaching and practical learning by this perspective. The design allows several advantages: first, students can express personal emotions and thinking through the experience of the senses and limbs; second, the practical programs train students to become excellent dancers; third, by the exploration of movement, the design opens a new physical experience and the way of spiritual growth. This study suggests students to experience the beauty of dance and to learn the visual appreciation, the clarification of mind, imagination, observation, appreciation, and thinking and creativity through the design of curriculum. A diverse curriculum guides and stimulates students to use a different perspective to appreciate and understand the art of dance and life, change the awareness and value for the dance. Dance is a performing art, and a varied art. As long as there is sincere acceptance, and understanding, no doubt, this charming art has stay in our lives.


