  • 期刊


With Judgment on the Governmental System of the Constitution of the ROC: In the Center around Article 53


學者探討我國政府體制之定位,常引〈憲法〉第53條「行政院爲國家最高行政機關」爲依據,進而推論應爲責任內閣制。但是,不同的意見所在多有。對於政府體制定位問題進行判斷,系屬於憲法解釋學的範圍。本文運用憲法解釋方法,循「行政權之歸屬」爲判斷基軸,仍以〈憲法〉第53條爲核心,細究〈憲法〉上所有規定爲「最高」機關之真正涵義,並參酌與總統及行政院長職權分配相關的條文,而探討政府體制之定位。依此,本文發現,單純對〈憲法〉第53 所作解釋,將會產生複數答案之結果。依此而論,行政院固爲我國行使行政權之中樞機關,但是否即爲行政權之最高機關,確實大可爭議。然則,欲求我國政府體制定位之最終結論,應再循由其他各種判斷基軸,分別進行釋憲判斷,重行整合而作出全面之評價。


Article 53 of the ROC's Constitution proclaims that ”The Executive Yuan is the supreme executive organ of the country”. Many scholars refer to this Article and argue that we hold a parliamentalism system. Although Article 53 has been frequently cited as a strong evidence to support this position, other opinions exist. As it is a task of constitutional interpretation to render judgment on a governmental system, this paper takes the Constitution and other articles related to the executive powers of the president and the premier into consideration, to seek the real meanings implicated in the term ”supreme organ”, which occurred in all other organs as well, and to judge ”to whom the executive powers belong”. The author intends to point out that multiple conclusions could be reached under this analysis. Even though the Executive Yuan is admitted the general and central executive organ, it is questionable whether it is also the supreme executive organ of the country. Doubt remains with regard to the nature of our governmental system, and further studies are needed to settle this controversy.
