  • 期刊


The Chinese Citizenship Education and Authoritarian Resilience: Political Socialization of the Textbooks




China launched its Basic Education Reform in 2001, which made great changes in its political and moral education. Using the interpretive text analysis method, this study examines current Chinese elementary and junior-high school civics textbooks, and explains how "institutionalization" and "Chinese nationalism" have significant effects on the textbooks that strengthen the authoritarian resilience of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). From the political socialization point of view, the textbooks not only legitimize the CCP rule by the modernized and progressive civics curricula and methods, but serve to equate ideas of loving the state, loving the Chinese nation, and loving the CCP for the purpose of promoting Chinese nationalism, so that the new generation may believe that they should support the regime in order to be wealthy, strong and unified. This paper argues that the authoritarian resilience of CCP implies that China’s citizenship education will continue to be different from Taiwan’s in significant ways: the non-empowering ideas of democracy, the value of self-sacrifice for the collective, the notion of upholding the nation-state above the individual, and the idea of loving CCP. I believe that Taiwan needs to know the nature of China’s citizenship education in its open policy, and think about how to interact with it for peace and freedom across the Taiwan Strait.


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