  • 期刊


Rainwater Storage Models Design of TAIPEI Elementary School


研究以台灣人口密度最高之台北市為對象,探討雨水收集利用之特性設計,現況規制中台灣地理分應區為降雨利用基礎,台北市僅以單一降雨資料作為地區之自來水替代依據,對於台北市因盆地地型影響小區域降雨之利用缺乏完整考量。 為改善全球氣候變遷與都市化人口集中後之嚴重缺水現象,並配合國際趨勢對能源之重視,始自西元2000 年推動綠建築策略中利用「水資源指標」制定節水設施量,並於2003年修訂為「替代性水資源設計」,利用雨水收集作為雜排水用途,以減低都市淨化水需求,充分收集利用之雨水,並能減緩都市洪災之發生。 台北市國小校園為推動雨水利用首要目標,其固定而龐大的沖廁需水量促使貯留用量更顯明確,利用中央氣象局於台北區內設置之15 座氣象站統計資料分析區域降雨特性,研究提出台北市小區域降雨型態對應學校集雨面積之供雨量差異,並依校園沖廁需雨量探討校園區位特性下替代性水資源利用比,以提供未來台北市各區新舊國小校園進行設施建置之明確性規劃貯量依據。


Taiwan gives an impetus to the 'Green Building Promotion' movement in 2000, and set the 'Water Resource Norm' to improve water saving of building facilities. Further, in 2003, the norm is converted to 'Water-Resource-Substitution Design' act to reflect the concept of using rain as secondary water supply, in order to reduce the water-clarified need, and enhanced demand of water supply. This paper explores how to use rainwater to substitute partial water supply and to satisfy the huge water demand of 137 elementary schools at different Taipei regions. The differences of rainwater-supply in different regions are investigated and calculated regarding of local rainfall characteristics and rainwater collection area. Thus the rainwater-substitution ratios are determined according to toilet water demands in different schools and rainwater-supply of different regions. The research shall improve the rainwater storage planning, and facilitate installations of water-saving facilities in Taipei elementary schools.
