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Archaeological Traces of Austronesian Ancestors at the Kamansi Site of the Karama River Valley in West Sulawesi, Indonesia



Archaeological sites in the Karama River Valley have produced important information about the dating and context of the first Austronesian-speaking groups in Sulawesi of Indonesia, notably at the Kamansi Site in Kalumpang. A horizon of red-slipped pottery indicates the emergence of a Neolithic group, followed by continued occupation and cultural change. Radiocarbon dating at each site has been problematic, but an overall regional chronology has been possible. The pottery types and other findings can be coordinated with a larger regional chronology in Sulawesi, based on radiocarbon dates of stratigraphic layers and their associated artifacts. Research by Balai Arkeologi Makassar now can affirm the assumption of a shared settlement chronology at the Kamansi Site and others in the Karama River Valley. The Karama River Valley contains several sites with red-slipped pottery and other materials that generally are understood as markers of the early Neolithic Period in Indonesia, dating as old as 3500-3000 years ago. Prior to this time, no pottery is evident in the hunter-gatherer sites with stone tools and other assemblages, so the pottery-bearing sites represent a significant change in the local material culture. After this time, the pottery sequence continues without interruption through Neolithic, Iron Age, and historical periods. The Neolithic pottery-bearing sites in this region consist mostly of cultural deposits along the sides of the large Karama River. Elevations today vary above the flood-level of the river, but the original cultural use in some cases may have been rather close to the edge of the river. Natural effects of the river have made some difficulties in finding the buried sites today. Additional problems have occurred in possible disturbance of ancient cultural layers, but the cultural layers in many cases in fact are sealed and protected beneath material of river-flooding events. The Kamansi Site offered an opportunity to examine a stratigraphic sequence of this early Neolithic period in Indonesia. In 2011, a new test excavation was 1 by 1 m in size, and it extended to a depth of 2 m. The exposed stratigraphy revealed a distinct layer of the oldest red-slipped pottery along with stone and shell remains, followed by later layers of slightly different pottery and other materials. The excavation ended at 2 m depth, within a layer definitely pre-dating a cultural context in this setting. The new findings include varieties of red-slipped pottery, other non-slipped plain pottery, stone adze material and flaking debris, stone axes, shell and stone bracelets and other ornaments, burnishing stones, a unique type of greenstone bead, and other objects. Most importantly, the items were found in a stratigraphic order. These new results give more precision for understanding the early Neolithic chronology of the region. For example, the earliest time was characterized by redslipped pottery, and a slightly later time was characterized by plain non-slipped pottery. Other types of artifactsand midde canbe addedto this two-part distinction in the Neolithic period. Furthermore, this information allows a more detailed appreciation of the emergence of Austronesian culture in Indonesia as realted with other regions.


印尼蘇拉威西(Sulawesi)卡拉馬(Karama)河谷的遺址發現了許多關於古南島語族出現的定年與相關資訊,特別是位於卡龍龐(Kalumpang)的卡曼西(Kamansi)遺址。紅衣陶的出現代表最早的新石器族群的到來,以及其後持續的定居與文化變遷。每個遺址的定年雖然都有些問題,但還是可以看出整個區域性的年代學概況。基於已有的碳素年代、地層與其伴隨的器物,可以從整個蘇拉威西大範圍的年代框架中來理解這些出土的陶器類型及其他相關發現。望加錫考古隊(Balai Arkeologi Makassar)的研究結果確認卡曼西遺址與卡拉馬河谷上的其他考古遺址擁有相似的聚落年代。卡拉馬河谷有幾處遺址出現的紅衣陶與其他物質都被視為印尼新石器早期(3500-3000年前)的代表文物。在這個年代之前,在狩獵採集者的遺址並沒有發現與石器伴隨的任何陶器,也因此,陶器的出現代表了當地物質文化的重大改變。在這個年代之後,陶器序列穩定地發展經新石器、鐵器與歷史時期而沒有太大的侵入性變化。這個地區出土陶器的新石器時代遺址大部分位於卡拉馬河谷大支流的兩側。在今天,河流的海拔不同,但皆高於防洪水平,但在某些遺址,原始文化層可能非常接近河邊。河流的自然力量可能造成發現墓葬遺址的困難。它可能也擾亂了古文化層,不過,大部分文化層都因有保護而未受到破壞。卡曼西遺址提供了檢視印尼新石器早期地層的機會。在2011年,我們挖掘了一個面積1平方公尺、深2米的新探坑。它的地層顯露出2層不同的文化層:最早期的紅衣陶、石器與貝類遺留;以及晚期的稍有不同的陶器及其他器物。這次發掘的深度為2米,下面則是這個遺址没有文化遺留的階段。這次的發現包括紅衣陶、素面陶、石錛、與石片器殘留、石斧、貝環與石環等裝飾品、磨製石器、獨特類型的綠石珠,以及其他類型的器物。最重要的是這些器物是在依地層次序被發現。這些新發現讓我們得以更正確的認識這個區域的新石器時代早期文化。舉例來說,最早期的年代以紅衣陶為代表,而晚期則以素面陶為主。其他器物與貝塚也可做為這兩個新石器時期區分的標準。重要的是,這些發現提供了關於印尼地區古南島語族文化出現的更多資訊。


聚落年代 南島語族 陶器 卡曼西遺址
