  • 期刊


Influence of Sedentary Behavior on Older Adults' Health and Life: The Benefits of Physical Activity




老人 預防醫學 身體活動 死亡率


Along with the aging of the elderly, the body organs and functions are gradually deteriorating. The elderly have become the main group of chronic diseases and metabolic syndrome. Sedentary disease or sedentary death syndrome has become an emerging issue in the field of national health. This study uses literature review to examine the relationships among sedentary life style, exercise, health, and longevity of the elderly from the perspective of epidemiology of physical activity. This study found that physical activity is closely related to the health and longevity of the elderly. Sedentary behavior will not only accelerate the physical decline but also affect the cognition, disease, and mental health for older adults. It is also found that when sedentary time exceeds a certain threshold, it will also increase all-cause mortality and affect the life of the elderly. This study concluded that physical activity can be used as an effective intervention to prevent, delay, or change the aging and diseases of the elderly. Active physical exercise is not only an important part of preventive medicine, but also a part of a person's active lifestyle.


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