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The Characteristics of the Petanque Movement and the Auxiliary Training of Core Muscle Strength




球類 訓練 運動表現


Petanque have been developed in Taiwan for more than ten years, and the development in the community has become increasingly mature. There were some outstanding performances in the international competition, but the competition results were only limited to the third place in the Asian Cup, and the World Cup results rarely entered the top 16 elimination rounds. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to improve the performance of the game by exploring the action mode, competition characteristics, energy characteristics, physical needs, movement guidance and core auxiliary training of petanque. It was found that the special throwing action of petanque requires muscular endurance, balance and coordination. Due to the precision exercise, it also needed to have better cardiopulmonary endurance and more aerobic energy requirements for long-term competition. The core muscle group was very important in the power chain of the entire throwing movement. High physical stability was required during competitions to improve sports performance. Therefore, the training of factors that affected the stability such as muscle endurance, balance, coordination, cardiopulmonary endurance, hand-eye coordination, balance and softness was extremely important. Proper training of core muscle groups could improve these abilities. It was recommended to increase technical training, and planned training for basic physical fitness. At the same time, core strength training was added as auxiliary training in order to improve sports performance.


ball sports training sports performance


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