  • 期刊


Predictions of Volleyball Passion, Enjoyment and Involvement on Well-Being in Cadets




Purpose: The research which empirically documents the link between Volleyball passion, enjoyment, involvement and well-being in Cadets is scant. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to explore how Volleyball passion, enjoyment, involvement and well-being are related. Methods: The study involed a survey, comprised of questionnaires concerning Volleyball passion, enjoyment, involvement and well-being. 109 Academic Year Cadets participated in this study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through structural equation modeling (SEM) and Sobel test in order to indicate the relationship between the four sets of variables. Results: this showed the positive consistence among the four variables of Volleyball passion, enjoyment, involvement and well-being, and significantly positive impact in path analysis, besides Volleyball passion on involvement. Conclusions: the study may be of importance in predicting the relationship between the four variables, as well as in providing Military Academy and researchers in the future with a better understanding of how to use.


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