  • 期刊


The Relationship of Aging and Osteoporosis in Taitung


隨著醫療衛生的進步,人類壽命延長,骨質疏鬆症(Osteoporosis)與相關骨折已是世界性的重要流行病。台東地區人口趨於老化,老年人(佔12.01%)對骨質疏鬆症的知識普遍不足,本研究即以雙能譜X光骨質密度測定儀(NORLAND ECLIPSE Bone Densitometry, DEXA, USA),根據世界衛生組織定義將骨質密度分爲三類,探討94年9月至95年8月間年齡在65歲以上,共125例骨質密度受檢者之骨質流失情形,男性32例,女性93例。結果顯示,骨質疏鬆症患者44例,佔35.20%,平均年齡75.55歲;骨質減少症(Osteopenia)63例,佔50.40%,平均年齡71.98歲;骨質密度正常者18例,佔14.40%,平均年齡70.22歲。男性老年人平均過了75.81歲,即有50%罹患骨質疏鬆症,但接受骨質密度檢查的意願偏低(約僅女性的三分之一)。相對女性較願意正視骨質疏鬆症之潛在危機,更以具體的行動來預防,有效地減緩骨質的流失(骨質疏鬆症佔30.11%,平均年齡75.39歲)。預防骨質流失的效果要比已發生嚴重骨質疏鬆之後才謀求補救大得許多,這是防治骨質疏鬆症的重要觀念。雖然隨年齡增長導致骨質流失避不可免,但骨質疏鬆發生與否,和年輕時期骨量峰值的高低有關。因此,骨質就像存款般,應從年輕時就展開預防工作,努力儲蓄骨質,使骨骼粗壯提高骨量峰值,如此才能在延年益壽的同時,享有更高品質的生活。


With the increase of life span, osteoporosis associated fracture became a world issue. In Taitung area, the aging population comprised a high proportion. We were reporting the incidence of osteoporosis in our aging population over 65 yrs old between September 2005 and August 2006 with Norland Eclipse Bone Densitometry, DEXA, USA. There were 125 cases: 32 cases male and 93 cases were female, averaging 75.55 yrs old Our results showed 35.2% (44 cases) averaging 75.55 years had osteoporosis. 50.4% (63 cases) had osteopenia averaging 71.98 yrs, 14.4% (18 cases) averaging 70.2 years old had normal value of bone density. There were only one third of females willing to have their bone density evaluated However, they were usually more concern and 30.11% have taken appropriate steps to limit the disease progression. For proper prevention, education of the public was very important.


osteoporosis Bone Densitometry osteopenia
