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以VR RENDER軟體分析Tc-99m ECD Brain Perfusion SPECT評估阻塞性呼吸中止症患者治療前後腦部血流體積

VR RENDER Software to Evaluate Tc-99m ECD Brain Perfusion SPECT Cerebral Blood Volume in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Before and After Treatment


阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症(obstructive sleep apnea, OSA)患者常見腦部血流灌注缺損,核醫腦血流灌注掃描影像可用於評估缺損部位。秀傳亞洲微創手術中心醫學影像部研發軟體VR Render可將核醫斷層影像三維立體重組成虛擬影像,並計算腦血流體積。本研究首次使用VR-Render軟體評估OSA患者在治療前後腦血流體積的變化,結果將與Matlab分析結果作相關性驗證。本研究共21位診斷為中重度OSA患者接受試驗,依治療方式分為手術組及正壓呼吸器治療組,受試者在治療前及治療後三個月各進行一次核醫腦血流灌注掃描。掃描影像重組後,腦血流體積差分別以VR Render(144±157c.c.)及Matlab(36459±29237counts)計算,兩組結果得到有顯著的相關性(p<0.01,Pearson correlation)。結論以VR Render軟體計算腦血流體積是一可行的影像分析工具,應用在OSA患者的治療後腦血流量評估,並無需增加患者檢查時間就可以計算腦部血流體積,可在原有檢查影像外再多提供量化的數據,提供OSA患者作為更有效的療效評估工具。


Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) common with perfusion defect in cerebral blood flow, Tc-99m ECD brain perfusion scan can be used to assess the defect. VR Render software, developed by Medical Imaging Department of Asia Institute of Telesurgery, the three-dimensional reconstruction techniques to construct virtual images, and SPECT can be re-composition of the three-dimensional image, and calculating the cerebral blood volume. This study is the first to use VR-Render software to evaluate the changes in cerebral blood flow volume before and after treatment in patients with OSA, and to be verified the correlation with Matlab. A total of 21 patients with moderate to severe OSA, according to the treatment type divided into surgery and CPAP therapy group. Tc99m ECD brain perfusion scan were perform in both before and 3 months after treatment. The blood volume different in before and after treatment were calculated by VR Render(144±157c.c.) and Matlab(36459±29237counts), and have significant correlation(p<0.01, Pearson correlation). The conclusion is VR Render software calculate cerebral blood volume is a viable tool for image analysis, and indicate VR Render 3D images reorganization, without increasing patient examination time, we can calculate the volume of the brain blood flow, may provide more quantitative data outside the planar image, providing patients with OSA as a more effective tool to assess the efficacy.
