  • 期刊


Interprofessional Education to Improve Safety of Cancer Patients Use Eye Shield During Radiation Therapy


本研究以跨領域團隊合作教育模式(inter-professional education, IPE),擬定以病人為中心的教育課程,以75歲患左側淚囊腺癌之男性病人為例,放射治療團隊中各職類人員合作討論,訂定眼部腫瘤病人使用眼部遮擋塊(eye shield)接受放射治療之標準流程,並進行教案設計,包括臨床案例分享、教學輔助影片、擬真模式教育訓練,並以電子化測驗檢測學習成效與課程滿意度。共38位各職類之醫護人員參與課程,前後測驗滿分為100分,學前測驗平均分數為68.7±19.6分,學後測驗平均分數為96.8±4.6分,顯示課程有助於提升醫護人員之專業知識與技能(p < 0.001)。將醫護人員依工作年資分為三年以下與超過三年兩個組別,不同年資之組別學前測驗結果有統計上顯著差異(p = 0.036),而後測結果無統計上顯著差異(p = 0.692),顯示課程可彌補工作經驗之差異。滿意度調查於課程內容、講師安排、教學方式與整體滿意度等面向為97.4%滿意,課程實用性為100%滿意,顯示此跨領與團隊合作教育成效卓越。透過本研究已突破傳統由醫師主導的單向領導式溝通,躍進為跨領域團隊合作之醫療照護模式(Interprofessional practice, IPP),提升照護品質與病人安全。


In this study, our group members from different professions collaborate and discuss together to perform a patient-centered inter-professional education (IPE). Using a 75-year-old man with lacrimal sac adenocarcinoma as an example, we established a standardized procedure for cancer patients who use eye shield during radiation therapy. We designed an education course, including case briefing, video-based skill demonstration and simulation-based procedural training. We performed online pre-tests and post-tests to analyze learning effectiveness and satisfaction. A total of 38 members attended the education course. With a total of 100 points, the average score of the pre-test was 68.7±19.6 points, and the average score of the post-test was 96.8±4.6 points, showing the attendants improved professional knowledge and skills through the course (p < 0.001). Dividing the attendants into two groups with different years of services (years of service ≤ 3, years of service > 3), there was a statistically significant difference in the pre-test (p = 0.036), and there was no statistically significant difference in the post-test (p = 0.692), showing we could eliminate the deficiency in working experience with the course. The satisfaction survey revealed 97.4% of the attendants was satisfied with the course content, instructors, teaching strategies and overall contentment, and 100% of the attendants was satisfied with the practicability. In general, interprofessional education achieved an excellent result. This study breaks the traditional physician-predominant clinical practice, and improves medical care quality and patient safety through interprofessional practice (IPP).


IPE IPP Radiation Therapy Eye Shield Patient Safety


World Health Organization(2010).(World Health Organization. Framework for action on interprofessional education & collaborative practice 2010.).
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