  • 期刊


The Benefits of Water Training in the Middle-Age and Elderly




Aquatic physical characteristics and lower requirement of motor skills allow water fitness exercise apt to elderly people or special populations. Previous studies showed that water training can improve metabolic syndromes, cardiopulmonary function, functional fitness, emotion and the quality of life. Most of training programs consisted of 5 to 10 minutes warm-up, 20 to 40 minutes main exercise included aerobic and strength exercise, and 10 minutes cool-down. The intensity of aerobic exercise was mostly between 70 to 80% maximal heart rate. Strength training intensity was 60% of one repetition maximum or rating 11 to 12 on the rating of perceived exertion. The period of training was 8 to 12 weeks or even longer than 1 to 2 year. The frequency of water training was 2 times a week at last. The evidences also demonstrated the effects of balance, upper body muscle strength and lower body flexibility in water training was better than in the land exercise training. Water training also eased the knee pain better than land exercise in patients with osteoarthritis.


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