  • 期刊


The Study of Positioning and Marketing Strategies of the Hsinchu Military Kindred Village Museum


1949年中華民國戡亂戰爭失利,有60萬國軍官兵與其眷屬撤退來臺,政府為減少族群摩擦,則將國軍眷屬集中安置,而逐步形成眷村。眷村是時代的產物,有其一代中國大陸移民獨特的生活經驗和文化,見證著臺灣多元文化融合的過程。隨著都市化的進程,眷村許多遭到拆除,特殊文化景觀因之消逝,近年由於文化資產保護和文化觀光受到重視,新竹市乃在林政則主政期間,設立了全國第一座眷村博物館。本文即以新竹眷村博物館為個案,探討小型主題博物館的經營策略,而特別著重於其博物館功能類型上的定位, 與相應而來的行銷策略。


In 1949, the Republic of China was defeated in the Chinese civil war. Some 600,000 Nationalist military servicemen and women and their family members retreated to Taiwan. In order to reduce ethnic friction, the government settled the Nationalist military's family members into designated secluded areas, which gradually becamed military kindred villages. Military kindred villages are a product of their times. They are embodiments of the unique life experiences and cultures of a generation of Chinese immigrants, and are testaments to the process of multicultural integration in Taiwan. With the process of urbanization accelerates, many military kindred villages have been demolished, and special cultural landscapes have disappeared. In recent years, however, the protection of cultural heritages and cultural tourism have gained in importance. Hsinchu City under Lin Zhengze's mayoralship established the country's first military kindred village museum. This article takes the Hsinchu Military kindred Village Museum as a case study to discuss the management strategies of small theme museums, with particular emphasis on the positioning of the museum's functional types and the corresponding marketing strategies.


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