  • 期刊


A Study on Tourism Attraction, Sports Tourism Attraction and Revisiting Willingness


研究目的:旨在探討觀光吸引力、運動觀光吸引力與重遊意願關係之研究。方法:本研究以自編之「觀光與運動吸引力量表」及「重遊意願量表」為研究工具;「2015 titan日月潭櫻舞飛揚環湖路跑」當天前往日月潭之遊客為研究對象,針對樣本採用便利抽樣問卷調查方式,共發放400份問卷,計得有效問卷為384份,有效回收率為96%。問卷資料經LISREL及SPSS統計分析,包括驗證性因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及逐步回歸分析。結果:「自然景觀」、「人文資產」、「人為公共設施」、「媒體傳播」、「遊憩動機」構面皆達顯著,且運動觀光較一般觀光更具吸引力,但在「體驗」構面方面未達顯著。吸引力可有效預測重遊意願,在實際參與賽會遊客與純粹觀光遊客中,以「體驗」構面為最具預測力,而於觀賞賽會之遊客中,則是以「自然景觀」構面最具預測力。


Purpose: The Studying of Tourism Attraction, Sports Tourism Attraction and Revisiting Willingness. Method: This study adopted questionnaire survey. Questionnaire consisted of "Scale of Tourism and Sports Attraction "and "Scale of Revisiting Willingness ". The research was conducted on a convenience sampling of the spectators at the titan Sun-Moon Lake Marathon 2015. Four hundred survey instruments were distributed, and 384 effective instruments were returned, for an effective response rate of 96%. The data processing tool was the through LISREL and SPSS 12.0 for Windows, along with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Item Analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe's method and Stepwise Regression Procedure. Results: The data obtained was analyzed with statistical techniques. First, the data showed significant differences in factors of "natural landscape"、"Humanities assets", "Public facilities"、 "Media"、"Recreation motivation". But, there was no significant difference with "experience" factor. Second, Attraction was effectively predictive Willingness to participate of the spectators' "experience" factor was the most predictive, but to watch the game will be the tourists, it is based on "natural landscape" factor was the most predictive.


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