  • 期刊


Exercise Participation, Indoor Stadiums Using Satisfaction and Image: An Exploration on Female Perspectives


運動場館設施可以說是行銷推廣體育運動的最基本條件,特別是年輕女性對於運動參與時的運動環境非常的看重,運動行為與場館使用觀感兩者間可能存在著相互依存或影響的關係。然而,由於性別典範所導致的休閒運動空間分配的不公平及不友善感,經常間接的成為女孩退出運動的主要原因之一,因此本研究以了解不同運動參與程度之女性在運動場館滿意度及意象與男性的差異為主要目的。研究參與者為大二至大四學生,完成「室內運動場館使用調查問卷」者女性264 位,男性210 位,所有資料依運動參與程度進行獨立樣本t 考驗。本研究結果顯示,運動參與程度低之女性場館滿意度及意象,皆明顯低於男性,顯示運動環境因素造成女性退出運動的可能性,研究針對未來運動促進策略及研究方向提出討論與建議。


The inevitable conditions for exercise participation marketing would be exercise facilities. On the grounds of the regards of exercise environment by female, there might have an interdependent or interact relationship between exercise behavior and facility users' impressions. The reason of unfair and unfriendly exercise space distribution induced by gender norms often made female quit exercise indirectly. Accordingly, this research's main purpose was to explore the differences of female indoor stadiums using satisfaction and image from male's by multilevel exercise participation. Study participants including 264 female and 210 male university students completed "The Questionnaire of Indoor Stadiums Using Inquiry". All data was segmented by the level of exercise participation and analyzed by independent sample t-test progressively. The results of this study indicated low exercise participation female had lower stadiums using satisfaction and image than male. This might evinced the possibility of female exercise quit was related to the exercise environmental factor. Exercise promotion tactics and research trend for the future were discussed and suggested.


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