  • 期刊


Discussion on the application of corporate identity system on athletic cheerleaders


臺灣過去在競技啦啦隊運動的研究方向與議題中,大部分都是有關運動科學或是領導風範等相關議題,而較少人以管理層面探討競技啦啦隊運動的經營。本研究目的主要以企業識別系統(corporate identity system)中的理念識別系統(mind identity)、活動識別系統(behavior identity)及視覺識別系統(visual identity)探討將其應用於競技啦啦隊經營之可能。經文獻回顧統整後發現,在競技啦啦隊本身具有的特質中,其實涵蓋了企業識別系統的各項元素,然而,在過去研究中,卻少有研究從企業識別系統的觀點,透過跨領域知識的結合應用,去檢視或提升競技啦啦隊的經營與發展。本研究希冀藉由將企業識別系統應用的導入,能提供未來國內在競技啦啦隊經營與發展之參酌,並據以提升其經營成效。


Research direction and topics of the athletic cheerleaders are mostly related to sports science or leadership style in Taiwan. There are few studies discussed athletic cheerleaders from the management perspective. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the future and development of athletic cheerleaders through corporate identity system, e.g., mind identity, behavior identity, and visual identity. The results found the characteristics of the competitive cheerleading team, which actually covers the elements of the corporate identity system. However, in the past studies, few researchers adopted corporate identity system perspective to examine athletic cheerleaders management and development. In order to examine or enhance the operation and development of competitive cheerleaders, it has to combine through cross-domain knowledge. This study hopes to provide future domestic sports cheerleading management and development by introducing the corporate identity system application.


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