  • 期刊


A Study of the Strategies and Underlying Rationales in Managing College Athletic Teams in Taiwan


本研究的主要目的在於瞭解國內大專院校運動團隊的管理策略及其考量因素為何,同時探討教練特質和組織情境對於運動團隊管理策略的影響效果。研究者以自編的「大專院校運動團隊管理策略及其考量因素調查問卷」作為資料收集之工具。以系統隨機取樣法選出320位國內大專院校運動代表隊的教練,作為本研究的對象。研究結果如下: 一、大專院校運動教練最常採用之管理策略依序為「增進溝通與互動」、「提供及時回饋」、「要求自我約束」、「強化訓練成效」、「強調長幼倫理」和「調和訓練與生活」。 二、影響大專院校運動團隊管理策略之考量因素依序為「執行的能力」、「運作的維持」、「發展的前景」、「選手的質與量」和「選手的性別」。此五項考量因素分別與一種或多種管理策略間存有顯著正相關。 三、教練年齡與各管理策略層面間有顯著正相關存在;教練年資與「增進溝通與互動」、「提供及時回饋」、「要求自我約束」、「強調長幼倫理」和「調和訓練與生活」等五層面之相關性亦達顯著水準。 四、設有體育相關學系學校之教練顯著較未設有體育相關學系之學校者更傾向採用「強調長幼倫理」和「調和訓練與生活」二種管理策略。 五、與國內同等級其他隊伍相較下之「運動成就」與「調和訓練與生活」,以及「受學校重視程度」與「調和訓練與生活」、「強化訓練成效」和「要求自我約束」等策略間均呈現顯著正相關。


The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the strategies and underlying rationales in managing collegiate athletic teams. A secondary purpose was to examine the effects of coach’s demographic variables and organizational situations on the formulation of management strategies. A researcher-designed questionnaire, ”Management Strategies and underlying Rationales for College Athletic Teams”, was used in data collection. A total of 320 collegiate coaches selected by systematic random sampling technique were involved. The study found: (a) management strategies most likely applied by collegiate coaches were ”Facilitation of communication and interaction”, ”Provision of immediate feedback”, ”Request for self-discipline”, ”Enhancement of training effectiveness”, ”Emphasis on member seniority” and ”Balance of training and general living”, in a descending order; (b) factors considered in applying managing strategies were ”Execution capability”, ”Operation maintenance”, ”Perspectives for development”, ”Athletes' quality and quantity” and ”Athletes' gender”, which were positively correlated with one or more of the six managing strategies; and (c) coach's age was significantly positively correlated with all of the six strategies, and coach's years of service was significantly positively correlated with all but the ”Enhancement of training effectiveness” strategy; (d) coaches in universities/colleges with physical education relevant departments were more likely to adapt ”Emphasis on member seniority” and ”Balance of training and general living” strategies in managing sport teams than those employed by universities/colleges without physical education relevant departments; and (e) performance comparing to that of other teams of the same sport at the same competing level and ”Balance of training and general living”, as well as school's recognition degree and ”Balance of training and general living”, ”Enhancement of training effectiveness”, and ”Request for self-discipline” were all significantly positively correlated.


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