  • 期刊

Tongue Thrust: Report of a Case



舌頭外誰(tongue thrust)自1960年代早期即已被認定為造成咬合不正的原因之一。但是,是否由舌頭外頂的力量造成前牙的開咬,則仍有很多爭議。倒是有前牙開咬的患者,在吞嚥時,往往須要將舌頭置於前牙開咬的地方,以幫助形成密封的空間,幫助吞嚥的進行。目前的文獻,較多數認為舌頭外吐,是前牙開咬所造成的結果,而非原因。本病例報告是利用簡單的舌頭欄柵來干擾一位有習慣性舌頭前置的九歲男孩。經短短五十天,前牙開咬即獲得改善,並在移除舌頭欄柵後二年仍維持療效。臨床醫師仍不應忽視:單純的不良功能性口舌動作,造成咬合不正的可能性角色。


Tongue thrust has been taken as one of the possibly etiologic factors in malocclusion since early 1960s. There is still controversy if tongue thrust strengthens the causes of anterior open-bite. However, there is a tongue thrust swallow to form an anterior seal in the patient with an anterior open-bite. Anterior tongue placement has been considered to be the result of anterior bite instead of the cause of the anterior open-bite in modern literature. A 9-year-old boy inserted with a tongue crib to block his deleterious anterior tongue thrust habit was reported. After 50 days, anterior open-bite malocclusion had been corrected and the result had being stable more than two years since the appliance was removed. This case report showed the possibility exists, while the open-bite was relieved simply by insertion of a tongue crib.


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