  • 期刊


The Transformation of Semi-Presidentialism to Parliamentary Democracy in Finland



世界各國的政治體制分成議會民主制、總統制、委員制與半總統制,芬蘭作爲一個高生活水準和先進的福利國家,它的政治體制雖然在憲政傳統上與它國有異,傳統上將它歸類爲半總統制國家,晚近芬蘭的憲政由於該國加入歐盟,在地理與戰略上,相當不同於以往,產生靜默的改變,需要吾人進一步探究其「半總統制」的源起與爲何產生變遷,以及將如何爲它作適當的定位。 芬蘭的土地最早是由瑞典併吞不過仍容許芬蘭人擁有自治體制,其後俄國又占領這塊土地,而成爲俄羅斯帝國內自治大公國,並維持自己的政府、法律以及社會形態,由於俄國推動所謂「俄國化」,最後在俄國革命爆發下,芬蘭建立起民族國家,憲政設計反應美國體制和傳統議會民主的折衷,總統和總理皆有正當性的雙重領導,直到二次大戰之後芬蘭的國會和內閣之間不安全的關係而且出現無黨派關係的「總統內閣」以及國會常解散,進而導致內閣不穩定。 1970年代中期以降,隨著社會的變遷,國會主動針對權力平衡和總統的權限,提出修憲案,逐步強化議會民主以及削減總統權力,展現出和平與依經驗逐漸完成的憲改,而成爲穩定的議會民主制國家。


In the political system of the world, there are four types: parliamentary democracy, presidentialism, committee system, and semi-presidentialism. As a developed country, Finnish constitutional system originated from its own tradition. Normally it is regarded as semi-presidentialism. However, Finland joined the European Union lately, its geographical strategy changed. It has also transformed the constitutional system. The paper is to explore its constitutional reform. Finnish land was first occupied by Sweden, then by Russia, but the Finns maintained their own autonomous region. Because of the ”Russification”, Finnish national state appeared. Its constitutional system mixed Presidentialism and semi-presidentialism. The president and chancellor are both legitimate. Until the end of World War II Finnish parliament and cabinet had constantly been in the situation of the unsafe relationship. Owing to the development of society, the parliamentary members tries to adjust the distribution of political power and change presidential power. The constitutional reform was going peacefully and Finland became a country of parliamentary democracy.


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