  • 期刊


The Relations and Demarcations between State and Religions in Japan: Past and Present




政教分離 日本憲法 神道 佛教


In Japan, the separation of state and religion is an important principle in the Constitution. According to the principle, the state should remain neutral in religious matters in order to avoid advancing or suppressing any religion. In fact, however, it is impossible to separate religion from public square completely. Many religious ceremonies have become social customs in Japan. These religious ceremonies include the practice of visiting a temple or shrine in the New Year, the coming-of-age ceremony, the tradition of taking three-and five-year-old boys and three-and seven-year-old girls to a shrine or temple for a rite of passage (Shichi-go-san), the funeral which is conducted in accordance with Shinto rules or Buddhist rites and so on. The government actions may be permitted to involve the social customs with religious tradition, but it is difficult to distinguish a social custom from a religious ceremony. This issue has caused many legal and social controversies. This article intends to study this issue from history and change of the relations between State and Religious.


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