  • 期刊


A Study on the Effect of Refuge Decision during the Mudslide Disaster-A Case of Lai-Yi Village




土石流 疏散撤離 決策


There are many typhoons across Taiwan in last each years. The typhoon always brings heavy rainfall, and make terrible debris disaster in Remote Mountain Areas. Debris flows cause a lot of injuries, deaths and property losing in recent years in Taiwan. The study is focus on evacuation decision-making behavior during Catastrophic Disasters. Research result can be contributed to evacuation planning and policy implementation. The research will address the social and behavioral aspects of sudden onset collective stress situations typically referred to as mass emergencies or disasters. It will focus on the damage types in remote area under large scale disaster scenarios and the refuge behavior of local residents having the same experience. The purpose of this research is to propose some useful emergency measures for the residents living in disadvantaged areas to avoid the unnecessary damages incurs.


Debris Flow Refuge Decision-making


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