  • 期刊


Using Systematic Decision-making Methods and R-Regression Analysis to Establish Bidding Decision System




To seek more suppliers to purchase inexpensive and high-quality goods, so as to obtain lower purchase cost, most of domestic and foreign enterprises, corporate organizations, or government organizations, adopt tendering methods for purchasing contracts in prevention of abusive occurrences. On the other hand, a business unit needs to obtain the order through the bidding method from the potential customers. In the process of preparing bids, whether or not to participate in bidding and how to determine the appropriate bid price is a major test for decision makers. This study used a systematic decision-making method to build a bid decision system at first, then use the R statistical software regression analysis to predict the amount of award by the budget amount. A total of 516 award data for a Corporate Organization from 2016 to 2017 with budget under 50 million NT dollars were collected for analysis and verification. This system provides the information to assist the decision makers to make decisions quickly and efficiently.


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