  • 期刊


Exploration on the business strategies of sports center by service design


隨著國人休閒意識及健康促進概念提升,促使運動健身相關產業如雨後春筍般成立,並不斷推陳出新,透過良好的服務設計可以維持及提升運動中心之競爭優勢,使其脫穎而出。故本文透過文獻整理,以Stickdorm 與 Schneider 所提出之顧客旅程畫布為理論架構,探討運動中心服務現況,改善目前運動中心營運之問題。根據文獻歸納後發現,運動中心若能瞭解顧客需求以及重視顧客經驗,並善用社交媒體,與大眾建立良好公共關係,便能提升消費者之滿意度及忠誠度,以鞏固其優勢地位。因結論擬定以下幾點建議:一、找到真正的消費者,理解顧客需求;二、建立良好公共關係,做好顧客關係管理;三、善用社交媒體,建立良好口碑;四、重視服務接觸點,著重顧客經驗;五、建議後續研究可針對運動中心的利害關係人進行深入的訪談,並朝向探索、創新、反思、執行的動態循環過程進行討論。為日後政府或相關組織在在規劃運動中心經營策略時之參考。


Along with the growing leisure and health consciousness of Taiwanese people, sports and exercise-related industries have mushroomed and are constantly innovating themselves. A good service design can help sports center maintain and improve their competitive edge and rise above the rest. To this end, through collation of documents and using Stickdorn's and Schneider's customer journey canvas as the theoretical framework, this thesis explored the current service provided by sports center with a view to helping resolve their operations issues. Summary of the collated documents revealed that if sports center can understand customer needs and value customer experience, as well as making full use of social media to build positive public relations, they can increase consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and solidify their place in the market. The following recommendations have been formulated based on these results: 1. find the right consumers by understanding customer needs; 2. establish good public relations by managing customer relationships well; 3. use social media effectively to generate positive word of mouth; 4. pay close attention to service contact points, with an emphasis on customer experience; 5. future research is recommended. This thesis will serve as a reference for future government organizations and other related organizations in planning managing strategy for sports center.
