  • 期刊


Confirmatory factor analysis of Sports interest questionnaire


科技使生活更加便利,但也讓現代人日常生活中的身體活動量下降,進而導致健康風險的提升。身體活動量的提升有賴運動習慣的建立,而運動習慣之建立則受個人運動興趣的影響。目前運動興趣有關的調查量表,其研究對象多以運動員或體育相關科系之學生為主,較少針對一般學生進行調查。本研究以288 名大學必修體育課程之學生為對象,進行運動興趣量表之調查,主要是針對該量表進行驗證性因素分析,以提供未來一份適合國內所使用的調查工具。研究結果顯示:以體育課程之興趣、運動技能之興趣、參與運動之興趣、觀賞運動之興趣等四個構面進行驗證性因素分析,其量表結構模式的各項配適度指標的結果均為良好,此結果可作為往後有關運動興趣研究的相關測量工具。


Technology has made our life much easier but at the same time exploiting our daily exercise frequency thus increases the health risks. Exercise frequency was highly related to the exercise habits, and the exercise habits is heavily depends on personal preference of the sports. Nowadays, most of the researches that related to sporting hobbies were mostly focus on the population mainly consisted by athletics and sports related major, which has less research demography targeting to normal student population. This research aims to study and analyze the correlation between these four factors: interest on PE courses, interest on sports skills, interest on participating in sports activities, interest on watching sports games. The focus group in this study involves 288 normal student population, to study their choice making when taking their required PE course in college. The study shows a positive correlation between these factors, which proves the study may indicate some correlation that may be used as an reference for further researches in the future.
