  • 期刊


Service Quality of Regular Inspection Stations for Motorcycles


近年來我國的機車定期檢驗率已達瓶頸,因此如何提升其定檢率,降低機車廢氣排放對環境之可能危害,為各縣市環保局與機車定檢站努力的目標。民眾選擇定檢地點之考量因素可能包括定檢站所在位置、定檢環境、定檢員服務態度與專業訓練等因素,因此提供良好之定檢服務品質與正確的進行定檢,才能提升定檢率進而達到降低機車排氣污染之目的。本研究主要目的為瞭解參與定檢民眾對於定檢服務之期望,與目前滿意度之差距,藉由PZB服務品質之五大構面(有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性)及顧客滿意度評估方式,以SERVQUAL量表作為問卷之基本架構以進行實地問卷調查。依據定檢站於目標縣各鄉 鎮之分佈比例於101年3至5月間共發出425份問卷,其中有效問卷為386份(回收率90.8%),並將所獲資料以統計軟體SPSS,進行基本特性與相關性分析。研究結果顯示,由PZB缺口理論計算缺口大小,缺口較大者,如「整潔的定檢環境」與「等待定檢時提供有座椅或茶水服務」等項目,應優先進行改善以縮小服務品質缺口,進而提升顧客之滿意程度。以受訪者背景為變項分析後發現,都會區滿意度高於偏遠地區;男性對反應性構面之滿意度高於女性;年齡大者對於服務之重視度較高;花費較多金額進行維修者對服務重視度較高,但其滿意度卻未相對較高。定檢業者未來可根據「服務品質缺口較大者」之項目,並掌握不同族群之需求與重視特性,提供有效之服務以改善民眾對定檢之滿意度,及增加民眾參與定檢之意願,進而提升定檢率。


Recently, the motorcycle inspection rate has reached a bottleneck in Taiwan, and consequently, developing methods of increasing the regular inspection rate and reducing motorcycle exhaust emissions has become a goal of the Environmental Protection Bureau and inspection stations. Factors considered in selecting an inspection station include the location and environment and the attitude and professional skills of the motorcycle inspectors. Therefore, increasing the regular motorcycle inspection rate, and, thereby reducing motorcycle emissions requires improving the quality of inspections performed by motorcycle inspectors at inspection stations.This study analyzes the expectations of participants involved in regular motorcycle inspection services, and to determines the gap between expectations and satisfaction with the services. The design of the study questionnaire incorporated 5 main aspects of service quality: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, in addition to customer satisfaction and the SERVQUAL scale. The questionnaire survey was administered using face-to-face interviews from March to May 2012, with 425 subjects being interviewed, yielding 386 effective questionnaires (90.8%). The survey data were gathered for further analysis using SPSS software to obtain parameters.The results of the PZB model showed that the most substantial gaps occurred in ”providing a clean inspection environment” and ”providing seating and tea for waiting customers”, thereby showing the superior ability of these two items to improve the service quality performance and to enhance overall customer satisfaction. The respondent demographics showed that residents in urban areas had a higher service satisfaction than those in remote areas, and that man's service satisfaction was superior to that of women. Service importance was higher for older people than for young people. Furthermore, customers who spent more money on motorcycle repair or maintenance requested that a higher importance be attached to the service; however, they did not exhibit a higher level of satisfaction. Regular inspection stations can improve on the items for which the largest satisfaction gaps were observed. Moreover, to increase the rate of regular inspections, inspection station could focus on the responses of various respondents to enhance customer satisfaction and increase the intention to participate in regular inspections.
