  • 期刊

Activity-Level Information Systems Usage and Distribution Center Performance





資訊系統 績效 活動 物流中心


Technologies and innovations emerge quickly in the business world. Logistics firms also attempt to improve performance by adopting technology. However, since the benefits of innovation can be rather intangible, this has slowed the adoption of new technology. Therefore, there are needs for studies that quantify the impacts of technology utilization on logistics companies. Quantifying effects on logistics performance will assist companies in deciding whether to use certain technologies. The primary purpose of this study was to examine empirically the impact of activity-level information systems adoption on the perception of distribution center performance. To address the primary aim, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted to determine associations between information systems usage and distribution center performance. Data were collected on a sample of 54 distribution centers and warehouses. The paper provides practical recommendations relating to technology benefits and whether to use information systems in certain logistics activities.


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