  • 期刊


Examining the Impact of Social Network Structures on Social Commerce Intention in Social Networking Site Context




Social networking sites (SNSs) have become an indispensible part of many people’s daily lives, especially young generation. It creates anopportunity for firms and individuals to interact and serves as a new platform to facilitate economic activities and transactions, i.e., social commerce. This study examines structural features of online social networks in SNS as potential drivers of customer identification with the website which then leads to users’ tendency to engage in social commerce. A research model based on social network theory and social identity theory is developed to investigate the impacts of network centrality, density, and tie strength on customer identification with the SNS. The identification then leads to social commerce intention. The empirical findings generally provide supportive evidence to the notion that the structural features of online social networks are environmental cues that facilitate customer identification with a website. Moreover, an SNS user with a higher level of identification with the website is more likely to have a greater intention to conduct social commerce. Theoretical and managerial implications are elaborated in the discussion section.


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