  • 期刊


The Project to Improve Reprocess in Surgical Instrument Cleaning




The project aims to improve the completion rate of cleaning in reprocessing surgical instruments, as well reduced the supplies of inadequate cleaning during surgical procedures. Since the continuous improvement of surgical techniques, the varieties of instruments are more diverse and delicate, which also increases difficulty in cleaning process. According to Patient Safety Reporting System revealed episodes of surgical instrument contamination, subsequently, it might be suspected the issue of surgical site infection. Therefore, a project was developed to improve cleaning reprocess. We conducted a serial investigations including observation of cleaning process, questionnaire, and staff interview. After analysis to determine this as to be a result of lack relevant cleaning tools, not configured with appropriate manpower, insufficient education with instrument training for staff, incorrect cleaning process, as well as improper maintenance of washer. We proposed the following measures: 1) purchasing relevant cleaning tools, 2) increasing a expanding manpower in decontamination area, 3) job training for instrument cleaning. 4) revising the operating procedures, 5) regularly maintain equipments. Following those approaches, the completion rate of instrument cleaning from 79% increased to 95%, occurrence rate of unclean surgical instruments decreased from 0.04% to 0.016%, not only enhanced the quality of cleaning , but also reduced work loads of employees.


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洪靖惇、蔡美惠、李榮芬、呂芝慧、桑潁潁(2016)‧手術器械清潔之改善方案‧榮總護理,33(4),344-352。doi:10.6142/VGHN. 33.4.344
陳宜婕、曹珉恩、李玉枰、周娟羽、李權芳(2017)‧運用跨團隊合作降低手術器械不良率之專案‧長庚護理,28 (4),599-610 。 doi:10.3966/102673012017122804003
