  • 期刊


Restatement on Diaoyutai Archipelago Dispute


最近由於我國宜蘭縣南澳籍漁船在釣魚台附近海域捕魚遭到日本海上保安廳巡邏艇驅逐;立法院王金平院長為宣示我國對於釣魚台的領土主權,保護我國漁船在該海域的安全作業,偕同國防部長李傑乘海軍之艦前往釣魚台附近海域護漁;我國與日本之間對於釣魚台的領土主權爭執再度引起國人關注。一八九四、九五年的中日甲午戰爭,滿清戰敗被迫簽訂的馬關條約第二條,將台灣及附屬台灣的各島嶼割讓日本時,將釣魚台視為附屬於台灣之島嶼一併割讓給日本。美國方面則依照日本的主張,及我方的上述嚴重疏失,認定我國在聯合國發表釣魚台海域可能埋藏大量石油資源之前從未主張經過釣魚台的主權,因此於一九七二年五月將琉球的施政權歸還日本之時,不顧我國的抗議,將釣魚台列嶼一倂歸還給日本。 釣魚台問題,由於台灣光復時應收回而未收回;自戰後至一九六九年五月聯合國發表釣魚台海底蘊藏石油消息之前,我方及中共都「遺忘釣魚台的存在」,以致為日本所乘,在時期上我方已處於極為不利的地位。我方保釣強硬派人士曾主張以武力奪回釣魚台,但國防部長李傑老實的說我們打不過日本。因為日本海上自衛隊有包括神盾艦及十六艘潛艦在內的四十二噸艦艇;我們的主力戰艦為購自法國的法拉葉艦和兩艘潛艦在內的二十二萬噸艦艇而已。中共方面則不敢冒然與日美安保體制下的美軍為敵;看來釣魚台問題,雖然不必如鄧小平所說,留給我們的下一代來解決,但也得費一段時間與日本周旋到底了。




The on-going sovereignty dispute between Japan, Mainland China and Taiwan over the Diaoyutai Archipelago raises a number of significant issues relative to island and maritime disputes in Asia Pacific rim. Taiwan government claims the sovereignty of the island group. After being defeated by Japan in the Sino-Japan War, China ceded Taiwan to Japan under the shimonoseki Treaty happened in Chinese Ching Dynasty. As a part of Taiwan, the Diaoyutai Archipelago belonged to Japan at the same time. Taiwan was returned to China at the end of World War Ⅱ in 1945 based upon the 1943 agreement of the Cairo and Potsdam Declarations. In 1970, the U.S. and Japan signed the Okinawa Reversion Treaty which included Diaoyutai Archipelago as part of Okinawa to be returned to Japanese rule. This Treaty was immediately challenged by both Taiwan and Mainland China. The dispute came into the open when the Japanese government delivered a note to Taiwan government stating that its bids to exploit the oil potential around the island were not valid. In September 1970, a Taiwanese gunboat planted the ROC flag on the islands. In December, the Mainland China intervened in this dispute, stating that the Diaoyu (and Taiwan) were China's territory and that exploitation of the area by foreign countries would not be tolerated. Recently the dispute called attention again due to the expulsion of some Taiwan fishing boats by Japanese coast guard while fishing in the East China Sea. The call to ”protect Taiwan” led by parliament speaker Wang Jin-pyng and Defense Minister Lee Jye. In order to understand the detail of the Diaoyutai Archipelago dispute, this study will review the history of the Diaoyu conflict and the related issues.



