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Study on the Possible Influences toward The Macroeconomic Development through 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in Mainland China


北京一直帶有一種神秘的面紗,然而在面紗之下,卻是一個單純的社會,單純的人民,北京,一直是一個古老名字的代稱,如同一之匍伏的巨龍,在經濟改革之後快速的崛起,隨著經濟的成長,帶來的不只是商業的繁榮,還有整個社會的轉變,價值型態的轉換,一棟一棟現代建築物,正在以極有效率的方式被建造,(因土地皆為國家所有,所以當國家收回改建新式建築,人民是極為高興的)。近年來,北京最熱門話題,即為即將在2008年北京舉辦的世界奧運,一般人相信,2008北京奧運1將為北京帶來商機與繁榮。 中國是一個地大物博、各項資源豐沛與經濟規模很大的國家。憑藉著其龐大的規模,中國似乎不可避免地會成為世界政經的要角;在崛起的過程中,必然為世界同時帶來正面和負面的影響。大國不能只是一意地強兵富國,中國有沒有機會塑造崛起的正面形象呢?如今時來運轉,中國大陸藉由承辦2008年奧運來進一步提昇在世界經濟舞台中的重要角色,如今機會來臨;本研究主要是希望藉由中國大陸承辦2008世界奧運,一窺中國如何藉這個機會爭取世界的認同與世界制度接軌,將自身改造成較文明的國度此一議題進行深入探討。本研究嘗試由北京奧運舉辦對中國大陸在整體宏觀經濟所可能帶來的影響作一深入之分析。


According to Beijing Olympic Games Application report on the cash flow indicator, it will be Beijing high economic development what we call ”the Olympic Games economy” on the interval of 2004~2009 year. The creation of employment centralised will be increasing fast on the peak stage by way of Beijing Olympic Games. Mainland-China undertakes 2008 Olympic Games so as to further promote the economic development with strong power to act as the critical role of fast economic development in the world. This research mainly focuses the issue of the influences to the macroeconomic of Mainland-China due to 2008 Beijing world Olympic Games, on the other hand to analyze how Mainland-China peeps the affiliation and opportunity to strive for the world recognition and catch up with the world system trail connexion in order to maintain the strong position and critical power of economic development thorough the discussion. In this research, the author will considerately analyze the possible influences of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games which possibly effect the whole macro economic development.


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2008 北京奧運http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/nf1941.htm
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