  • 期刊


A Study on Elementary School Student Teachers' Concerns


本研究採用質性研究法,以五位國小實習教師(一男四女)爲研究對象,以深度訪談,探究其關切事項。研究結果發現實習教師關切事項包括五大方面: 一、教學方面:1.教學法:實習教師發現真正教學時,必須考慮學生的認知程度與基本能力,將原本所學的教學法稍做改變。2.教材:面對不同領域或年級的教材內容重複性過高的問題,實習教師必須調整教學時間或補充教材來因應。3.教學理念:若輔導教師與實習教師的教學理念不同時,實習教師大多會依著輔導教師的習慣,或與輔導教師溝通,得到輔導教師的認同或建議。 二、班級經營方面:1.班務處理:實習教師發現課堂上經常是處理學生問題與教學活動同時進行的,而小學生最在意教師能否公平處置。2.學生問題處理:小朋友發生狀況時,實習教師會不知道如何處理才好。實習教師大多藉由觀察輔導教師的處理方式,形成自己對學生問題的處理原則。3.親師溝通:實習教師害怕得罪家長且自認角色模糊,以致有些實習教師不敢與家長互動。4.特殊學生:即使修習過特教相關課程,實習教師仍感自己在特教知能上的不足,而挫折困擾。 三、學校環境方面:1.非教學的工作太多:有些實習教師認爲非教學的學校活動與實習無關而逃避,與學校的觀念不一致;而有些輔導教師要實習教師花很多時間做一些雜務,加重實習教師的負擔。2.行政實習:有些實習教師負擔過多的行政工作而影響教學與級務實習;而有些學校只讓實習教師在同一單位行政實習,致實習教師無法了解其他單位的事務。 四、人際互動方面:1.角色定位:是實習教師深感困擾的問題,但也了解到自己的角色是不停切換的。2.人際關係:實習教師礙於自己的身分模糊,不知如何開展校園人際關係,尤其是與輔導教師理念不同或互動出現問題時。 五、未來展望方面:1.自費生實習教師在準備教師甄試的同時也準備公職考試,有的則想轉換其他工作,或是繼續進修;公費生實習教師則較關切將來分發學校的作風。2.未來教育體制的演變,攸關未來的教職生涯,因此實習教師相當關切國家教育政策的方向與變化。


The purpose of this study was to explore elementary student teacher's concerns. Based on the purpose, the qualitative method was used to collect the data. Five student teachers were interviewed. The results of the study are as follows. 1. Teaching: (1) Student teachers found their teaching methods had to be adjusted according students' cognitive level and abilities. (2) In consideration of the teaching content overlap, student teachers' needed to adjust the teaching time or renew teaching contents. (3) When student teachers' belief was different from that of cooperating teachers, they usually followed the cooperating teachers' way, or discussed with the cooperating teachers to get their approval. 2. Classroom management: (1) Student teachers had to deal with students' problems when teaching; and elementary school pupils cared about if teachers treated them evenly. (2) When pupils had problems, student teachers might not know what to do. (3) Student teachers hesitated to interact with parents since their roles were not clear. (4) Student teachers worried about special students. 3. School environment: (1) Student teachers concerned about too many non-teaching related tasks. (2) Student teachers concerned they undertook too many administrative works which hindered their teaching and classroom practicum. 4. Interpersonal communication: (1) Student teachers were confused with their non-stop changeable roles. (2) Student teachers did not know how to develop their interpersonal relationship, especially when they had difficulty in interaction with cooperating teachers. 5. Forcoming future: (1) Student teachers concerned if they might pass the recruiting examination or how the schools' styles were. (2) They concerned the direction and change of educational policy of the nation.




許奭丞(2015)。華語實習教師實習歷程研究 -以韓國僑校為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00205
