  • 期刊


A Study of Key Factors of Shaping a First Term Female Principal's Leadership Belief, Practice and Challenge


本研究利用自傳俗民誌法,將研究者在初任校長時之領導信念加以剖析,獲致以下之研究結果,並提出相關之省思。 一、研究結果 (一)領導信念的影響因素 有三個主要的因素形塑了研究者的領導信念,分別是性別意識、領導特質及工作價值觀等。首先,男女同等能力之性別意識讓研究者認爲自己可以成爲有能力的領導人;而領導特質則使研究者堅持認爲該堅持之教育信念,但不墨守成規;至於工作價值觀則使得研究者重視公平與正義,並承擔起學校成敗之責任。 (二)領導信念實踐之挑戰 研究者之領導信念於實踐時,遭遇到性別刻板印象、角色及認知衝突,以及公共關係經營之困境。但研究者以能力與毅力來破除性別刻板印象,但在領導方式上則更加委婉;以堅持公平和正義的工作價值觀來面對角色及認知衝突,但更重視主動和積極的溝通;爲彌補性別在公共關係經營之不便,則致力於將學校教育辦好,奠定良好的公共關係之基礎。 二、省思 (一)建立起學校制度並適時修正。 (二)喚起全員共盡校務之責。 (三)領導信念應由管理漸漸融入領導。


The study used autoenographic method to explore the leadership belief of the researcher in the first term of a female principal. The results and reflections of this study are stated as follows: Ⅰ. The results 1. the elements affecting the leadership belief There are three main elements shaping researcher's leadership belief, including gender sensibility, leadership characteristic and work value. First, the researcher believes that women's and men's capability are equal. Therefore, the gender sensibility leads the researcher to believe that she can become a capable leader as well. Second, the leadership characteristic leads the researcher hold on to her educational belief, but more flexible on her leadership method adaptation. Finally, the work value leads the researcher pay much attention to the fair and justice, and take responsibility for the success and failure of school education. 2. the challenges of practicing leadership belief When the researcher's leadership belief was put into practice, it had encountered gender stereotypical impression, the conflict of roles and cognition, and the difficulties of public relation management. The gender stereotypical impression was overcome by the researcher's capability and patience. Yet, she realized that the method adapted should be more gentle. Second, the researcher insisted on the fair and justice work value to resolve the conflict of roles and cognition. The initiativeness and activeness in communication should be highlighted. Lastly, in order to resolve the inconvience of public relation management in gender difference, the researcher devoted in successful school administration. As a result, the fine foundation of public relation can be deep rooted. Ⅱ. Reflection 1. To establish a system in school and adjust it accordingly. 2. To arouse a common ground in responsibility among staff towards school. 3. The leadership's belief should immerge into the administration gradually.




