  • 學位論文


Touching Your Heart-Narrative Inquiry the Leading Methods and Experience in Conflict Management of a Female Founder Principal in a Junior High School

指導教授 : 楊泰和


本文以南部地區某一所新創學校的初任女性校長為研究對象,研究者以局內者的角度,採用深度訪談、實地參與觀察及檔案文件來蒐集質性文本資料,分析論述她以感性與關懷為訴求,帶領學校成長茁壯的歷程。用故事性的敘說探究她的領導心法與經驗有:(一)既要合姑意、也要順嫂意;(二)親力又親為、帶人要帶心;(三)躊躇以滿志、孤掌恐難鳴;(四)老驥仍伏櫪、路遙知馬力。同時亦探究這樣的領導特質,在面對校園衝突情境下,會採行哪些因應策略,她的衝突管理經驗有:(一)同理關懷、依法行政;(二)以靜制動、急事緩辦;(三)公眾裁決、凝聚共識;(四)真誠感動、放下我執。 最後,本研究提出幾點管理建議:(一)建構多元溝通管道,以理解同仁心之所向;(二)建立工作日誌,養成反省習慣,減少錯誤決策;(三)養成學習成長風氣,建構學習型組織;(四)以就事論事角度,進行事件處理;(五)實施定期工作輪調,求得同仁間相互體諒;(六)對衝突發生保持敏感度,掌握介入的時機;(七)謀定而後動,靈活運用衝突管理策略;(八)將衝突事件轉化為團體目標,提高目標的層次;(九)面對衝突冷靜以對,避免情緒化作為;(十)面對威脅,適時反擊。


The current study investigated a female beginning principal of a new school in southern Taiwan. The researcher, as an insider, used in-depth interview, participant observation and documents to analyze and describe her experiences of leading the collegues and developing the school with emotional appeal and concern. Her leading methods and experience are narrated and discussed as follows: (1) She is usually in a dilemma between teachers and parents. (2) She is a hands-on person and manages the teachers’ hearts. (3) She is self-contented but lacking in support. (4) She is still ambitious in her age and never changed her mind. Moreover, the strategies for school conflicts used by the person with such leading style and particularity were also studied. Her experience in conflict management is as follows: (1) She is concerned about the colleagues with empathy but manages the conflicts according to the laws. (2) She observes what has happened and postpones dealing with the urgency. (3) She judges the events with all the colleagues in public and manages to reach an agreement. (4) She tries to move the colleagues’ hearts sincerely and asks them to think more about the school. Finally, some suggestions about leading were given in this study: (1) Build up multiple communication methods so as to understand what the colleagues really think. (2) Create a work log and make the habit of introspection. (3) Develop the climate of learning and improving and construct the learning organization. (4) Handle the events objectively and specifically. (5) Put the regular job rotation into practice so as to let the colleagues understand other teachers’ feelings. (6) Be sensitive when the conflicts happen and control the timing to interfere them. (7) Make a strategy for conflict management before acting and use it flexibly. (8) Solve conflicts for with the high-level objectives. (9) Face the conflict imperturbably and avoid the sentimental reactions. (10) Confront the threat and fight back adequately.


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