  • 期刊


Comment and Analysis of the Poems of the Imperial Inspector to Taiwan, Liu-Shi-Qi, Taiwan (1744-1747)


六十七,生卒年不詳,字居魯,滿洲鑲紅旗人,乾隆9年至12年(1744-1747)以巡臺御史之職奉命巡視臺灣。巡臺御史就像皇帝耳目,身負往來行走條奏信息之責,但不參與地方事務之管理,其重要任務是巡行南北、實採吏治民情,因此其書寫之作品較其它宦遊者以單純想像所創作出來的作品更具可信度。 本文以六十七在臺三年期間之政務事功和在臺之著作爲基礎,進一步論析其44首書寫臺地之詩作內容,其詩反映出清初臺灣寶島物產豐隆物性奇特與島上諸多之絕俗殊風,這部分讓深居內陸之六十七大開眼界;此外亦反映了巡臺御史於公務餘暇之休閒遣興與不忘藉詩謳歌熙朝盛德等詩作特色。六十七克盡巡臺御史之職,亦如方豪所言六十七在歷任滿洲御史中最具學問。


Liu-Shi-Qi (六十七), birth and death dates unknown, was a member of the Manchu Bordered red banner (鑲紅旗) among the Eight Banners. The banners were administrative divisions into which all Manchu families were placed. They provided the basic framework for the Manchu military organization. Liu-Shi-Qi's courtesy name was Ju-Lu. During the ninth to twelfth years of the Qianlong Emperor (1744-1747), he was given the position of the Imperial Inspector to Taiwan (巡臺御史) and was ordered to inspect Taiwan. The Imperial Inspector to Taiwan was similar to being the eyes and ears of the Emperor. The inspector was charged with reporting information regarding exchanges of information in Taiwan but did not participate in the management of local affairs. Patrolling the island of Taiwan and assessing the life condition of its citizens as well as the regulation of official activities were the most important tasks assigned to this position. Therefore, the written documentation of his activities tended to be more reliable than those of other creative works from the same period. This article is based on Liu-Shi-Qi's creations and the government affairs in Taiwan over a three year period and a deep analysis of poems written by him during that time. The poems reflect the various peculiar customs, the abundantly prosperous economy, and the special nature of the island of Taiwan during the early Qing dynasty and the effect that Liu-Shi-Qi's position had on his perspective. The poetry additionally shows the poetic differences between the leisure activities and the official affairs of the Imperial Inspector to Taiwan and praises the lofty moral of this prosperous dynasty through poetry. Liu-Shi-Qi completely assumed his role as the Imperial Inspector to Taiwan. Hao Fang said that Liu-Shi-Qi demonstrated more scholarship than all other Manchu Imperial Inspectors assigned by the Qing imperial government.


