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The Benefits Occur during Elementary School-agedEFL Students in Taiwan Engaged in Keypal Exchanges



拜科技進步之賜,電腦輔助教學已廣泛成為台灣國民中小學運用於英語學習的工具之一。隨著全球國際化及電腦科技的進步,「電子郵件筆友專案計畫(Email KeypalProject)」已被視為是一種不受空間及時間限制的語言學習策略,亦是強化英語為第二語言學習者國際觀的有效方式。本研究選取台灣中部某鄉鎮國民小學六年級的學生103人為研究對象,以隨機分派方式分成實驗組(57人)和控制組(46人),透過10週的「電子郵件筆友專案計畫」進行量化研究(前後測英語讀寫成績、英語學習動機量表)。由於教育部的九年國教政策目前正積極推動國民中小學英語課程實施「溝通式英語教學法(communicative language teaching CLT)」。有鑑於台灣鄉鎮地方的學童多因為地緣或家庭經濟因素,較少有機會到國外遊學或與英語為母語者互動,本研究之目的乃針對此類區域學童,利用交換電子郵件筆友方式,讓參加本項研究的實驗組學生與美國五年級學生,藉由每週Email不同主題交流寫信討論方式,為國小學童於溝通式英語教學法中增加其英語讀寫之學習機會,同時提升其英語學習動機與成效。本研究之發現結果如下:一、參與「電子郵件筆友專案計畫」國小學童(實驗組)與未參加計畫學生(控制組),於實驗結束後,英語讀寫之後測有顯著的差異,實驗組學童的讀寫成績後測高於控制組學童的後測成績。二、實驗組與控制組學童,於實驗結束後,英語學習動機上有顯著的差異,實驗組學童的英語學習動機比控制組學童有較高的學習動機。本研究結果建議「電子郵件筆友專案計畫」可以作為推行國小學童之溝通式英語讀寫知能的可行性,同時提升台灣國小學生英語學習動機與成就,希冀未來作為教育部的九年國教政策之英語教學策略改進之參考。


The ultimate objectives of this study are intended to examine whether the email can be utilized as an effective Communicative Language Teaching environment in Taiwan for reading and writing interaction, and to explore if EFL elementary school-aged students involved in the email projects are stronger in their motivation in language learning. The quantitative approach used in this study employed an experimental research design with two groups. Prior to the study, participants were randomly assigned to two different groups. It included pre-testing EFL students before the email keypal project and post-testing students immediately following the email keypal project. In addition, the pre-study and post-study survey comprised of two questionnaires concerning students' motivation levels. The findings showed that the email keypal project improved the EFL students' reading and writing performance. Participating in the keypal project also elevated the EFL students' levels of motivation in using English. Therefore, this study strengthened that the email keypal project not only became one of natural teaching aids to incorporating the CLT method as an English teaching and learning, but also fulfilled the goals for Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in Taiwan which are: 1) to foster students' basic communicative competence in English; and 2) to enhance students' interests and motivation for English learning. Further recommendations were also conducted for future researchers and educators who may be interested in further avenues of research related to the effect of the email keypal project.
