  • 期刊


The study on Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade of Neimen Hsiang, Kaohsiung County


宋江陣是具有相當歷史的全國性體育民俗事項。但可惜的是如問起內埔宋江陣的演變及現況和技藝內容爲何?卻鮮有人知曉,如有者也僅是片段的知識。筆者藉由內門鄉地區觀音佛祖聖誕活動,實地訪查內埔宋江陣隊伍的組織、團隊運作及所遭遇的問題。目前遭遇的問題有: (一)老師傅的年齡增高,年輕人口外移及資料的老舊破損。 (二)引進較爲精采而非傳統的招式及動作,影響傳統性與固有特色。 (三)畫臉師傅的人數減少、平均年齡增高。 (四)宋江陣逐漸轉型成比賽化、表演化。 內埔宋江陣具有特殊性、傳統性、戲劇性的表演,必須保存他的原有特質。目前宋江陣陣員已有年齡老化的現象,在未來的發展,必須讓內埔宋江陣員年輕化,使不致消失。


內門鄉 內埔 宋江陣


Sung-Chiang Parade is a practice of national physical education and a form of folk art activity that have been existed in Taiwan for a long time. Every time when there are festivals and celebrations on certain dates, Sung-Chiang Parade is always one of the performance programs. However, it is a pity that not many people know the evolutionary changes and present situation, as well as its technical contents. If someone happened to know it, he/she will only have very fractional knowledge about Sung-Chiang Parade. Of which, Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade is one of the few troops that painted their faces during the performance that is its specialty. The writer has made an on-the-spot interview and investigation of the organization, team operation and problems faced by the Sung-Chiang Parade while Neimen Hsiang area people held activity at the temple to worship goddess of Mercy (Kuan Yin). This study has applied documentary record analytic method and field survey method. The problems that Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade is facing at present are: Old master is getting older, the young population moves out and the data is old and damaged. Sung-Chiang Parade tends to turn into a performance. Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade members have introduced in much innovative, not traditional, movements and actions, which influence the tradition and existed specialty of Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade. Face painting, is the most unique feature of Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade. Due to there are not many young people having the intention to learn how to paint the face that the number of face painting masters is fewer and the average age is older. Sung-Chiang Parade has gradually turned into a contest and performance event. In this way, the practice and operation of Sung-Chiang Parade could not be fully displayed. There are temple and government etc, related organizations that appropriated budget to subsidize. However, the subsidized organizations and amount are unstable. Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade has specialty, traditional and dramatic performance, which must reserve its original form of performance. At present, the members of Sung-Chiang Parade are getting older. It is critical and necessary to attract young people to join such team in the future to make Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade younger so that it will not disappear for any reason.


Neimen Hsiang Neipu Sung-Chiang Parade
